CASE NAME: BINOY PAULOSE V. UNION OF INDIA CASE NO: WP(C) NO. 11939 OF 2023 DATE: 3.11.2023 CORAM: K. BABU, J Introduction: The Kerala High Court i
CASE NAME: BINOY PAULOSE V. UNION OF INDIA CASE NO: WP(C) NO. 11939 OF 2023 DATE: 3.11.2023 CORAM: K. BABU, J Introduction: The Kerala High Court i
Title: Anjana Gosain vs. Government of NCT & ANR. Citation: W.P.(C) 2506/2019 & CM APPL. 19643/2021 Coram: JUSTICE PRATHIBA M. SINGH INTROD
Title: Swashray Co-op. Housing Society Ltd& Ors. Vs. Shanti Enterprises Citation: CAP (L) No. 10432 OF 2023 Coram: JUSTICE MANISH PITALE Decide
CASE NAME: Nidasheshi Veeranna v Gali Prakash CASE NO.: WP NO.7954 OF 2007 DATE: 11.10.2023 CORAM: SACHIN SHANKAR MAGAD, J Intorduction The K
Title: Fathimathu Suhara v. Union of India Date: 03 November, 2023 + WP (C) No. 36379 of 2023 CORAM: Hon’ble Justice Mr. Devan Ramachandran Intro
Title: Municipal Commissioner Pune Municipal Corporation and Anr. v. Ashish Laxman Chavan Decided on: 03 November, 2023 + Writ Petition No. 8953 o
Title: Rajan P v State of Kerala Citation: WP(C) NO. 23667 OF 2022 Decided on: 27.10.2023 Coram: Justice Raja Vijayaraghavan V Introduction The Ker
Title: Radhe @ Radheshyam Singh Tomar v. The State Of Madhya Pradesh Citation: MCRC No. 39865 of 2023 Decided on: 30.10.2023 Coram: Justice Anand P
Case Title: Magesh Karthikeyan v The Commissioner of Police Case No: W.P.No.30692 of 2023 Dated: 31.10.2023 Coram: THE HONOURABLE Dr.J
Introduction Recently the High Court of Karnataka situated at Bangalore had declined to quash criminal proceedings instituted against the previous