The Madras High Court ruled that the petitioners lacked the standing to challenge the government decision, and despite the pleas being filed in the
The Madras High Court ruled that the petitioners lacked the standing to challenge the government decision, and despite the pleas being filed in the
The Madras High Court ruled that the appellate court’s decision to deny the suspension of the sentence was justified as the accused failed to
TITLE : Drishti Adventures Sports Private Ltd and Ors V State of Maharashtra CITATION : W.P No 2158 of 2005 CORAM : Hon’ble justice G.S Kularkani
TITLE : Rahibai Laxman Lokhande & Ors. V State of Maharashtra CITATION : W.P No 7400 of 2023 CORAM : Hon’ble justice Madhav J. Jamdar DATE: Â
TITLE : Ganesh Bhatu Shinde V The state of Maharashtra CITATION : Criminal Appeal 549 of 2018 CORAM : Hon’ble justice Smt.Vibha Kankanwadi and Ho
Where the victim has not been brought to the witness-stand & no complaints was made of being kidnapped again,The assessment of the age o
If Probate of The Will Is Granted it has to be Adjudicated whether the executant of the will had the right to make the bequest-High Court of PatnaÂ
TITLE : The Divisional Controller, NEKSRTC v Smt. Sushila CITATION : First Appeal No. 1180 of 2011 CORAM : Hon’ble justice Smt.Vibha Kankanwadi a
Title: Crocs. INC. USA v Aquallite India Ltd. Decided on: 09.10.2023 + CS(COMM) 52/2018, I.A. 19320/2022 & I.A. 6416/2023 Introduction The pres
The Madras High Court observed that community certificate’s issuance or revocation has far-reaching effects that affect not only the individu