Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
Defaults prior to Covid-19 Pandemic cannot be covered under RBI’s guidelines granting relief on repayment of loans: Delhi High Court
December 23, 2020by Primelegal Team0

RBI guidelines for reliefs to certain debtors for defaults made on loans due to the Covid-19 Pandemic are only applicable to defaults that arose du

December 22, 2020by Primelegal Team0

INTRODUCTION With the world-changing and the technology developing at a faster pace, the world is moving towards transformation. The evolving techn

Non-compliance of any procedural requirement is no ground for automatic rejection: Sikkim High Court
Non-compliance of any procedural requirement is no ground for automatic rejection: Sikkim High Court
December 22, 2020by Primelegal Team0

“The State respondents could not have demanded the refund of the excess payment made on account of their illegal promotions”, this remarkable s

Government has pervasive control over passing of sanctioned posts: Ranchi High Court
December 22, 2020by Primelegal Team0

The ground for rejecting the claim of the petitioners cannot be supplemented by way of filing counter affidavit. This judgment was delivered by Hon

30 years to get justice in a false case of attempt to rape: Orissa High Court
December 22, 2020by Primelegal Team0

The victim tried to shift the entire blame on the Appellant as the perpetrator of the crime, to save her reputation among her family members and th

Expert evaluation of Tender to be carried out only if wrong alleged on part of Tendering Authority: Supreme Court
December 20, 2020by Primelegal Team0

“Unless arbitrariness or mala fide on the part of the tendering authority is alleged, the expert evaluation of a particular tender, particularly

Candidates under ‘Reserved’ category can be appointed under the ‘General/Open’ category based on merit: Supreme Court of India
Candidates under ‘Reserved’ category can be appointed under the ‘General/Open’ category based on merit: Supreme Court of India
December 20, 2020by Primelegal Team0

Women from the reserved category are eligible for selection under the General/Open category in case of vacancies based on merit. The Supreme Court

State cannot act as a private person in matter of contract: Calcutta High Court
December 19, 2020by Primelegal Team0

In a proceeding before Court which assails the exercise of powers of the State in the award of contract, the Courts must also take into considerati

High court should give appropriate guidelines for withdrawal: Supreme Court
December 19, 2020by Primelegal Team0

“The High Court ought to have put some conditions for giving security for withdrawal, so that there may not be any difficulty for realising back

Selective disclosures to the media affect rights of the parties: Supreme Court of India
Selective disclosures to the media affect rights of the parties: Supreme Court of India
December 19, 2020by Primelegal Team0

In an application made by the relatives of the accused for the grant of Anticipatory Bail in the case of dowry death was rejected by the Supreme Co