Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
Absence of the date and place in the affirmation does not affect the contents of the declaration: Kerala High Court
Absence of the date and place in the affirmation does not affect the contents of the declaration: Kerala High Court
February 16, 2021by Primelegal Team0

The absence of the date and place in the affirmation part does not in any manner substantially affect the contents of the declaration. This was obs

No clear penalty and punishment for an advertisement violative of ‘Advertising Code’: Delhi High Court
No clear penalty and punishment for an advertisement violative of ‘Advertising Code’: Delhi High Court
February 16, 2021by Primelegal Team0

There are no clear regulations as to the extent of penalty and punishment that can be imposed in case an advertisement is found to be objectionable

February 15, 2021by Primelegal Team0

MEANING Private equity funds refer to institutional funds that target investments in privately owned businesses only. Nature, size as well as the s

Compassionate appointment can only take place immediately after death: High Court of Delhi
February 15, 2021by Primelegal Team0

When a government servant dies, compassionate appointment of dependent of that government servant is only meant for immediate assistance and cannot

Custodial violence is loathsome & is unacceptable in a civilized society: Supreme Court of India
Custodial violence is loathsome & is unacceptable in a civilized society: Supreme Court of India
February 15, 2021by Primelegal Team0

If any person dies because of custodial violence, it is abhorrent in law and completely unacceptable. It violates the rights guaranteed under Artic

Commission report prepared, before the petitioner being brought in the party array, cannot legally bind them: Kerala High Court
February 15, 2021by Primelegal Team0

Where any person is added as defendant under Order I Rule 10(5) CPC,, the proceedings shall be deemed to have begun against the supplemental party

Continuing with the trial serves no purpose once after the complainant herself give quietus to the misunderstanding: Delhi High Court
Continuing with the trial serves no purpose once after the complainant herself give quietus to the misunderstanding: Delhi High Court
February 14, 2021by Primelegal Team0

It serves no useful purpose in continuing with the trial if the complainant herself accepts that made the complaint due to a misunderstanding. An F

Videography during election without causing any manner of disturbance to the voters shall be permitted: Kerala High Court
Videography during election without causing any manner of disturbance to the voters shall be permitted: Kerala High Court
February 14, 2021by Primelegal Team0

During the process of election, videography shall be permitted, without causing any manner of disturbance to the voters and officials or in any man

Execution proceedings can be stayed by High Court only after money is deposited:  High Court of Delhi
Execution proceedings can be stayed by High Court only after money is deposited: High Court of Delhi
February 14, 2021by Primelegal Team0

When a court has ordered for stay in execution proceedings, such stay cannot remain unconditional and is subject to the amount of money being depos

Court cannot quantify and fix the amount of victim compensation under Section 357A CrPC: Jharkhand High Court
Court cannot quantify and fix the amount of victim compensation under Section 357A CrPC: Jharkhand High Court
February 14, 2021by Primelegal Team0

Court only has the right to recommend payment of compensation, which has to be quantified after adjudging the adequacy of the same, by the State or