Liability to pay tax under Section 6 of the CST Act is not connected to the requirement of registration under Section 7. Registration under Section
Liability to pay tax under Section 6 of the CST Act is not connected to the requirement of registration under Section 7. Registration under Section
High Court directs the Court to list the matter, when it would proceed to hand over notices for effecting service upon the respondents/defendants d
The respondents are also directed, to, in accordance with expostulations enshrined in a catena of verdicts rendered by the courts of law, to regula
Payment by check in the form of an advance payment has been stated, that there was no outstanding liability at the time the check was drawn. As a r
The court always gives relief to amend the pleading of the party, unless it is satisfied that the party applying was acting mala fide or that by hi
There is absolutely no mention in the said death note about any of his superiors including the present appellants had ever abused him with caste re
In absence of any procedure having been agreed upon for appointing the Arbitrator, and both the parties having failed to agree on the appointment o
A litigant can take different stands at different times but cannot take contradictory stands in the same case. A party cannot be permitted to appro
The accused is 20 yr. old so he must know the critical situation of pandemic and should duly follow the guidelines issued by the local authority an
In the event that a spouse deserts the other, it is pertinent to note whether there was an intention to bring the cohabitation to an end and to als