Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
An employee can be penalised for concealing information about involvement in a criminal case by employer, even if he is acquitted by a court: Guwahati High Court

An employer is well within his rights to penalize his employee for concealing information about his involvement in a criminal case to the extent of

Whether an unregistered and unduly stamped agreement could have been admitted in evidence in a suit for specific performance: Rajasthan High Court

While filling for a suit for specific performance of an agreement objection regarding the agreement being unstamped or unregistered can be entertai

Arrest made in Presumption u/s 32 of The Bihar Prohibition and Excise Act, 2016 can only be challenged at the trial stage: Patna High Court

Section 32 of The Bihar Prohibition and Excise Act, 2016 deals with presumption concerning the commission of offense and presumption is that the ow

Before coming to a conclusion and holding that the appellants have vicarious liability, the court must satisfy itself whom to make liable: Orissa High Court
Before coming to a conclusion and holding that the appellants have vicarious liability, the court must satisfy itself whom to make liable: Orissa High Court

Before concluding that the appellants have vicarious culpability, the court shall be satisfied that the main perpetrator and his associates are con

When a rape complaint is filed and the victim is discovered to be pregnant, the pregnancy itself may be treated as involving grave mental injury: Orissa High Court

Where a complaint of rape is lodged and the victim is found to have become pregnant and she does not want to retain the foetus, the pregnancy itsel

In cases of compromise, continuation of the criminal case would result in great prejudice: Bombay High Court

Offences arising out of matrimony are personal in nature and the parties are seeking to resolve their entire dispute. In case of compromise between

Every citizen in a free country can do anything lawful that the citizen chooses to do: Madras High Court
Every citizen in a free country can do anything lawful that the citizen chooses to do: Madras High Court

Even the slightest of restriction on the citizens’ movement has to be justified. The issuance of a supercilious prohibitory order on the ruse

Persons belonging to the Scheduled Caste category cannot be prosecuted for the offence under the Act: Patna High Court

A person who belongs to the Scheduled Caste category cannot be booked with charges prescribed under the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (

Judicial review of administrative action is intended to prevent arbitrariness, irrationality, unreasonableness, bias and mala fide: Orissa High Court

The purpose of judicial review is to avoid arbitrariness, irrationality, lack of logic, prejudice and mala fide. The aim is to verify if choices or

When discrimination is glaring, the State cannot take recourse to inadvertence in its action resulting in discrimination: Orissa High Court

The State cannot use inadvertence in its actions which result in prejudice when prejudice is blatant. In the case of a complaint against denying eq