Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
After two rounds of litigation, the ground of procedural irregularity is no longer available to the Appellant: Odisha High Court
June 26, 2021by Primelegal Team0

After two rounds of litigation, the ground of procedural irregularity is no longer available to the Appellant as sufficient opportunities of hearin

There is no universal rule that the evidence of the deceased’s relatives must be verified in order for the perpetrator to be convicted. Orissa High Court
June 26, 2021by Primelegal Team0

The fact that the witnesses are related to each other is no criterion for disregarding their evidence. Relative should have no interest to falsely

Section 8 of the Transfer of Property Act states that ownership and title in property pass to the transferee under the terms and circumstances of the deed of conveyance: Tripura High Court
June 26, 2021by Primelegal Team0

On a transfer of property, all the interests which the transferor has or he was having at that time, capable of passing to, pass on such transfer u

Narcotic Drugs – An instrument in causing death or death blow infliction on the Youth. : Telangana High Court
Narcotic Drugs – An instrument in causing death or death blow infliction on the Youth. : Telangana High Court
June 26, 2021by Primelegal Team0

It should be noted that, in the case of murder, the accused kill one or two people, while the persons dealing with drugs are towers to death or blo

Rape- An assault on the body, mind and privacy of the victim. : Telangana High Court
June 26, 2021by Primelegal Team0

Rape is a violation of the victim’s body, mind and personal privacy, is the most morally and physically reprehensible crime in society. Rape

A guest faculty working under a government university have the right to not be replaced by other guest faculty: High Court of Chhattisgarh
June 25, 2021by Primelegal Team0

Although guest faculty are employed on a temporary basis, they still have the right to not be replaced by fresh guest faculty unless there have bee

Guarantor cannot escape the payment outlined as per the resolution plan: Calcutta High Court
June 25, 2021by Primelegal Team0

When a resolution plan has been approved by a committee of creditors, it is binding on the guarantor and he cannot escape his obligations outlined

Nature of suit remains unaltered even if the plaint is amended: Madras High Court
June 25, 2021by Primelegal Team0

A civil revision petition filed under Order VI rule 17 seeking to amend the plaint does not dismiss the petition and the nature remains unaltered.

Welfare policy for vaccination can never affect a major fundamental right: Meghalaya High Court
Welfare policy for vaccination can never affect a major fundamental right: Meghalaya High Court
June 25, 2021by Primelegal Team0

Mandatory Covid-19 vaccination drive by the state is for the greater benefit of the society and is not a negative coercive reinforcement. Such a dr

Delaying the grant of NOC beyond a limited time frame is considered as a violation of one’s civil rights: The High Court of Kerela
June 25, 2021by Primelegal Team0

Expeditious action to be taken by the local authorities that have permission granting power. An indefinite delay to grant such a permission is agai