Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
The powers under Article 142 or under Section 482 Cr.P.C., are exercisable in post­conviction matters only where an appeal  is pending before one or the other Judicial forum. Supreme Court
October 26, 2021by Primelegal Team0

It cannot be understated that since members of the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe belong to the weaker sections of our country, they are more

Order for detention is invalid when it is made when the detenu is already in jail custody for an offence with no prospect of his release.: Jammu and Kashmir High Court
October 26, 2021by Primelegal Team0

There must be awareness of the detaining authority of the fact that the detenu is already in detention and there must be compelling reasons justify

Every offence punishable under Sikkim Anti Drugs Act, 2006 shall be cognizable: High Court of Sikkim
Every offence punishable under Sikkim Anti Drugs Act, 2006 shall be cognizable: High Court of Sikkim
October 26, 2021by Primelegal Team0

There were reasonable grounds for believing that he was not guilty of such offence and that he won’t commit any offence while on bail. Such was h

Mandate of Article 22(5) of Indian Constitution requires that the grounds of detention must be communicated to the detenu: High Court of J&K and Ladakh
October 26, 2021by Primelegal Team0

In view of the various laws laid down by the Apex Court vitiates the detention order, as not amounting to effect communication of grounds, and resu

Under Article 227 of the Constitution of India, the High Court cannot convert itself into a Court of appeal: Hugh Court of J&K and Ladakh
Under Article 227 of the Constitution of India, the High Court cannot convert itself into a Court of appeal: Hugh Court of J&K and Ladakh
October 26, 2021by Primelegal Team0

The High Courts, under Article 227 of the Constitution, have little scope to interfere with the orders of the subordinate Courts as a matter of rou

The Central Government may prescribe the manner in which benefits shall be granted to the Developer: High Court Of New Delhi
October 26, 2021by Primelegal Team0

  The petitioner has filed the present petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India impugning an order dated 28.12.2016, The petiti

Discrepancies in the description and gravity of injuries between the case filed and post-mortem report formed the basis of bail grant by the Court: High Court Of Patna
October 26, 2021by Primelegal Team0

Petitioner alleged of killing the informant’s father granted bail on establishing that the case filed and post-mortem report doesn’t ma

The man denied bail on not being able to show bonafide and injuries even after a huge accident: High Court Of Patna
The man denied bail on not being able to show bonafide and injuries even after a huge accident: High Court Of Patna
October 26, 2021by Primelegal Team0

Petitioner alleged of murder of the informant’s husband denied bail on establishing the grounds that where the deceased suffered several inju

The Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, provides the classification of offences under the IPC and by which the offences are triable in the Court: High Court of Meghalaya
October 26, 2021by Primelegal Team0

The point in the issue was very limited and purely involved a question of law. Such an opinion was held by The Hon’ble High Court of Meghalaya be

Court can interfere with the findings based upon inadmissible evidence: High Court of Uttarakhand
Court can interfere with the findings based upon inadmissible evidence: High Court of Uttarakhand
October 26, 2021by Primelegal Team0

The factual findings which have been arrived at by the court upon taking into consideration the inadmissible evidence can be interfered with by the