Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
Accquital in a criminal case itself cannot be the sole ground for restoration of arms license: Allahabad High Court
November 15, 2021by Primelegal Team0

The issue under consideration is decided in the following terms. The arms license suspended/canceled on the ground of pendency of a criminal case/c

A contractor is liable to discharge GST liability of Security Deposit only when same has been adjusted on happening of a contingent event as defined on the Agreement; High Court Of New Delhi
November 15, 2021by Primelegal Team0

The petition was filed under Order 38 Rule 5 read with Order 39 Rules 1 and 2 CPC seeking an ex-parte injunction to direct the defendant not to dis

Once the documents were produced before passing the seizure order, it cannot be said that the revisionist had any intention to evade payment of tax: Allahabad High Court.
Once the documents were produced before passing the seizure order, it cannot be said that the revisionist had any intention to evade payment of tax: Allahabad High Court.
November 15, 2021by Primelegal Team0

The revisionist along with a reply to show cause notice has filed the relevant documents before the seizure authorities but the same was paid no we

Relief at the interlocutory stage would require a petitioner to establish a prima-facie case and show that the balance of convenience is in its favour : The High Court of Calcutta
November 15, 2021by Primelegal Team0

A prima facie case required for a petitioner to be established and prove that the balance of convenience is in its favour and that irretrievable in

The petitioner alleged of killing and concealing the facts and death of the deceased denied bail along with his parents: High Court of Patna
November 15, 2021by Primelegal Team0

Alleged of killing the deceased the petitioner was accused of demanding dowry as well. The petitioner being the guardian of the deceased tried to c

Alleged of open firing and killing the informant’s son in the name of caste rivalry denied bail as per Section 302/34 of Indian Penal Code: High Court of Patna
Alleged of open firing and killing the informant’s son in the name of caste rivalry denied bail as per Section 302/34 of Indian Penal Code: High Court of Patna
November 15, 2021by Primelegal Team0

Petitioners were alleged to open firing and killing the son of the informant. The petitioner tried furnishing the grounds that the same has been do

Alleged of Possessing 350 Litres Foreign Liquor, the petitioner was granted pre-arrest bail on furnishing that the property of recovery of the same was not his and Section 76(2) of the act shall not be applied: High Court Of Patna
November 15, 2021by Primelegal Team0

The Petitioner was alleged of having 350 Litres of Foreign Liquor. It was contended that the same was being recovered from other’s property a

Alleged of killing, the petitioner was granted bail on furnishing the grounds for the victim being suicidal and allegations to be based only on suspicion: High Court Of Patna
November 15, 2021by Primelegal Team0

The petitioner was alleged of killing the informant’s son. The grounds were formed by the petitioner and claimed that the allegations were no

The same objection cannot be raised twice, heard twice and adjudicated again.: Delhi High Court
November 15, 2021by Primelegal Team0

Even if the same is not treated as res-judicata, the judgment of the ld. Single Judge can be read in evidence before the Labour Court, and can be c

Nobody can enter into the mind of the accused and his intention has to be ascertained from the weapon used, part of the body chosen for assault and the nature of the injury caused: Supreme Court of India
November 15, 2021by Primelegal Team0

When the deadly weapon – dagger has been used, there was a stab injury on the stomach and near the chest which can be said to be on the vital par