Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
It is the obligation of the importer to realize the market fee from the purchaser and pay the same to the Market Committee: Supreme Court of India
It is the obligation of the importer to realize the market fee from the purchaser and pay the same to the Market Committee: Supreme Court of India
December 15, 2021by Primelegal Team0

The explanation to sub-section (2) of Section 65 of the Act, makes it clear that even the processed items from the agricultural products imported f

Every delay in conducting a disciplinary enquiry does not, ipso facto, lead to the enquiry being vitiated: Supreme Court of India
Every delay in conducting a disciplinary enquiry does not, ipso facto, lead to the enquiry being vitiated: Supreme Court of India
December 15, 2021by Primelegal Team0

Whether prejudice is caused to the officer who is being enquired into is a matter which has to be decided on the basis of the circumstances of each

Under article 226 of the Indian Constitution, The threat perception of the petitioners must be assed by the SHO – High Court of Punjab and Haryana
Under article 226 of the Indian Constitution, The threat perception of the petitioners must be assed by the SHO – High Court of Punjab and Haryana
December 15, 2021by Primelegal Team0

Under article 226 of the Indian Constitution, The threat perception of the petitioners must be assed by the SHO – High Court of Punjab and Ha

The marriage between two minors shall be considered as valid unless it is declared void until or before the age of Eighteen : High Court of Punjab and Haryana
December 15, 2021by Primelegal Team0

The marriage between two minors shall be considered as valid unless it is declared void until or before the age of Eighteen : High Court of Punjab

Wilful Concealment of Property Attracts Punishment, the Code of Civil Procedure Code, 1908: High Court of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh at Srinagar
December 14, 2021by Primelegal Team0

The issue of wilful concealment of possession of property, attracting the punishment of imprisonment for a term, was examined by the HIGH COURT OF

A decree obtained under Land Acquisition Act is an executable decree and no contempt can be maintained for non-compliance with such decree: Supreme Court of India
A decree obtained under Land Acquisition Act is an executable decree and no contempt can be maintained for non-compliance with such decree: Supreme Court of India
December 14, 2021by Primelegal Team0

The weapon of contempt is not to be used in abundance or misused. the Land Acquisition Act is a complete code by itself and lays down detailed proc

Under Section 498A active involvement has to be proved beyond a reasonable doubt: Supreme court of India
December 14, 2021by Primelegal Team0

From the evidence on record, it is clear that there are no external injuries apart from the ingle ante-mortem injury i.e. ligature mark around the

Under section 319 of IPC, causing bodily pain to any child and keeping him in adverse conditions will amount to offence of hurt: Delhi High Court
December 14, 2021by Primelegal Team0

Under section 319 of IPC, causing bodily pain to any child and keeping him in adverse conditions will amount to offence of hurt: Delhi High Court W

Under 397 of IPC ,Non recovery of the weapon cannot be the sole reason for not framing charges: Delhi High Court.
December 14, 2021by Primelegal Team0

Under 397 of IPC ,Non recovery of the weapon cannot be the sole reason for not framing charges: Delhi High Court. The fact that the weapon has not

Circumstances for Passing an Order of Detention against Person Already in Custody: High Court of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh at Srinagar
Circumstances for Passing an Order of Detention against Person Already in Custody: High Court of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh at Srinagar
December 13, 2021by Primelegal Team0

The question as to whether and in what circumstances an order for preventive detention can be passed against a person who is already in custody, wa