Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
Court allows the revision petition in order to protect the accused from being falsely accused leading to miscarriage of justice: Karnataka High Court
February 6, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The criminal revision petition is filed under section 397 ( speaks about calling for records to exercise powers of revision) with 401( High courtâ€

Decree or order obtained by playing fraud on the court, tribunal or authority is a nullity in the eye of the law: High Court of Delhi
February 6, 2022by Primelegal Team0

Decree or order obtained by playing fraud on the court, tribunal or authority is a nullity and non est in the eye of the law. Such a judgment, decr

Writ petitions seeking direction for registration of an FIR must approach the competent court by filing the application u/s 156(3) CrPC: High Court of Delhi
February 6, 2022by Primelegal Team0

If the petitioner feels that an offence has been committed, then the correct remedy for the petitioner is to approach the competent court by filing

A Writ Of Certiorari Approved Against The Judgment: In Bombay High Court
February 6, 2022by Primelegal Team0

An appellate court may also issue a writ of Certiorari with collecting information on a matter that is currently before it. Certiorari is a legal p

A Valid Ground Should Be Proven For Denying The Claim: In Bombay High Court
February 6, 2022by Primelegal Team0

A valid reason for denying the claim must be established. One can always prove that the ground is unreasonable. Hence, the claim can not be rejecte

High court allowed to quash the charge sheet against the petitioner for the offence punishable under dowry prohibition act: Karnataka High court
February 5, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The criminal petition is filed by petitioner/accused to quash the criminal proceedings against him, pending before civil judicial magistrate for th

The Constitution of India provides for the power of superintendence over all Courts and Tribunals throughout the territory by the High Courts: High court of Allahabad
The Constitution of India provides for the power of superintendence over all Courts and Tribunals throughout the territory by the High Courts: High court of Allahabad
February 5, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The power under Article 227 of the Constitution of India is exercised to keep the subordinate courts within the bounds of their authority, thus, th

Copyright registration can only be granted to original artistic works that satisfy the test of originality u/s 13 (1) (a) of the Copyright Act: High Court of Delhi
Copyright registration can only be granted to original artistic works that satisfy the test of originality u/s 13 (1) (a) of the Copyright Act: High Court of Delhi
February 5, 2022by Primelegal Team0

In order to satisfy the conditions of Section 13 (1) (a) of the Act, an artistic work would have to satisfy the test of originality. Copyright regi

Settlements under the ID Act can be entered between Management and Workman even outside the court/conciliation proceedings: High Court of Delhi
February 5, 2022by Primelegal Team0

Settlements can be entered into between Management and Workman even outside the court/conciliation proceedings as is clear from Section 18(1) ID Ac

The monetary penalty imposed on noticee for violating the regulations  of SEBI and dealing with illiquid trade options –  THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE BOARD OF INDIA
February 5, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The monetary penalty imposed on noticee for violating the regulations  of SEBI and dealing with illiquid trade options –  THE SECURITIES AN