Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
There is no absolute bar to exercise the jurisdiction under Article 226 of the Constitution of India: HIGH COURT OF MADHYA PRADESH AT INDORE
There is no absolute bar to exercise the jurisdiction under Article 226 of the Constitution of India: HIGH COURT OF MADHYA PRADESH AT INDORE
August 3, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The present petition stands dismissed as not maintainable is upheld by HIGH COURT OF MADHYA PRADESH AT INDORE in the case of COLONEL AKHIL MENDHE V

Administrator of WhatsApp group requests relief from the court in FIR filed for encouraging animosity amongst several factions: Madras High Court
August 3, 2022by Primelegal Team0

Administrator of WhatsApp group requests relief from the Madras High Court in FIR filed for encouraging animosity amongst several factions in the c

If based on ambiguous or irrelevant grounds, the court may interfere with a preventive detention order in the “Pre-execution stage”: Gujarat High Court
August 3, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The Gujarat High Court on 22nd July 2022 reiterated that if a preventive detention order is made on ambiguous, irrelevant grounds, it may be challe

What elements constitute under section 346 A of IPC that the prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt to secure an accused conviction: Telangana High Court
What elements constitute under section 346 A of IPC that the prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt to secure an accused conviction: Telangana High Court
August 3, 2022by Primelegal Team0

 In one of the judgments by the high court of Telangana in case of Shaik Ahmed Vs State Of Telangana through the learned bench led by Justice Asho

Employees cannot ask for any guidance to fill out the position or claim a promotional role: Madras High Court
August 3, 2022by Primelegal Team0

Employees cannot ask for any guidance to fill out the position or claim a promotional role is upheld by the Madras High Court in the case of B. Mut

In the interest of justice, cases of civil nature can be quashed: Gujarat High Court
August 3, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The Gujarat High Court on 18th July 2022 reiterated the distinction between Sections 482 and Sec 320 of the Code while allowing a revision applicat

A reliable and uncontradicted oral dying declaration is admissible as evidence: Gujarat High Court
August 3, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The Gujarat High Court on 19th July 2022 ruled that an “oral dying declaration” given by the deceased and not contradicted by the defence dur

The thin line between Culpable Homicide and Murder: Andhra Pradesh High Court
August 3, 2022by Primelegal Team0

We have witnessed various ways in which the term ‘intention’ has been used by the courts to understand whether an act would amount to culpable

If the owner of Cinema Hall does not give free potable and pure drinking water, owner will be responsible for compensation: Madras High Court
If the owner of Cinema Hall does not give free potable and pure drinking water, owner will be responsible for compensation: Madras High Court
August 3, 2022by Primelegal Team0

If the owner of Cinema Hall does not give free potable and pure drinking water, owner will be responsible for compensation is upheld by Madras High

Understanding the rights of tribal people with respect to the Forest Rights Act 2006: Andhra Pradesh High Court
August 3, 2022by Primelegal Team0

In the year 2019, the Supreme Court passed an order which asked for force eviction of more than 1,000,000 tribal and other forest-dwelling househol