The Goods and Service Tax Identification Number (GSTIN) link cannot be revoked due to incorrect information submission, according to the Rajasthan
The Goods and Service Tax Identification Number (GSTIN) link cannot be revoked due to incorrect information submission, according to the Rajasthan
The Supreme Court, in response to a petition filed by attorneys who had taken the Mains Examination for recruitment of ADJs in the State of Rajasth
The Andhra Pradesh High Court, passed an order on 23rd March, 2022 by subject to the condition of the petitioner executing a self-bond for a sum of
The Andhra Pradesh High Court, passed a judgement by dismissing a 2nd writ petition filed by the petitioner against the same respondents & for
In a judgment dated 07.06.2022 the Madras High Court has ruled that the Social Media Intermediaries have a responsibility to make sure that videos
This year the Madras High Court in a judgment dated 07.06.2022 stated that the Smartha Brahmins are not a religious denomination rather just a cast
The Andhra Pradesh High Court passed an Order on 25th of August, 2022 in which the liability of the petitioner to pay dead rent even if the petitio
A quinquagenarian couple filed a habeas corpus petition with the Rajasthan High Court to have their 5-year-old grandson, who has a rare disease, re
While ruling on a petition filed by a widowed woman and a widower man who were living together and seeking protection for their lives and freedoms,
The Madhya Pradesh High Court held that, the custody of the minor child to be given to father who is the natural guardian as per Section 6 of Act o