Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
If the sexual harassment was not committed in public still it is an offence said by the Madras High Court
If the sexual harassment was not committed in public still it is an offence said by the Madras High Court
January 11, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Madras High Court In this case a petition was filed by the applicant seeking to quash the final report filed against him in the metropolitian magis

Inquiry Ordered By Court Against ‘Unruly’ Advocates Who Raised Slogans To Assault Police Officers Summoned: Allahabad High Court
Inquiry Ordered By Court Against ‘Unruly’ Advocates Who Raised Slogans To Assault Police Officers Summoned: Allahabad High Court
January 11, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Case title – Kamla Singh vs. State Of U.P. And 3 Others   FACTS The Allahabad High Court paid close attention to the behavior of a few &

Schools are directed by the Madras High Court to frame Anti-Sexual Harassment policy and also to provide redressal mechanism and reporting to the student
Schools are directed by the Madras High Court to frame Anti-Sexual Harassment policy and also to provide redressal mechanism and reporting to the student
January 11, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Madras High Court In this case Madras High Court after observing that sexual harassment in educational institute are increasing day-by-day. The Mad

The Director of Income Tax has been sentenced to a week in jail for contempt: Allahabad High Court
The Director of Income Tax has been sentenced to a week in jail for contempt: Allahabad High Court
January 11, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Case Title: Prashant Chandra Versus Harish Gidwani Deputy Commissioner Of Income Tax Range 2     The Allahabad High Court ordered that the ap

It was a failed project and his intention to return hard earned money of complainants is seen from the effort he made to return the principle amount to complainants: Delhi High Court
It was a failed project and his intention to return hard earned money of complainants is seen from the effort he made to return the principle amount to complainants: Delhi High Court
January 11, 2023by Primelegal Team0

 BAIL APPLN. 2940/2022 GP CPT (RETD) DIPENDER KUMAR SINGH vs STATE OF NCT OF DELHI This petition is filed for grant of bail to the petitioner in c

“The investment made by state for construction of dams is made redundant if natural flow of water is impeded in any manner”; directs state to take necessary steps: Rajasthan High Court
“The investment made by state for construction of dams is made redundant if natural flow of water is impeded in any manner”; directs state to take necessary steps: Rajasthan High Court
January 11, 2023by Primelegal Team0

“The investment made by state for construction of dams is made redundant if natural flow of water is impeded in any manner”; directs state to t

It is agreed by the petitioner that the report of the R&R Hospital shall be final and binding and it will not be challenged further: Delhi High Court
It is agreed by the petitioner that the report of the R&R Hospital shall be final and binding and it will not be challenged further: Delhi High Court
January 11, 2023by Primelegal Team0

W.P.(C) 17612/2022 & CM APPL.56339/2022 (for interim relief)  GAURAV BAISOYA v.  UNION OF INDIA AND ORS. In the current writ petition, the pe

It is settled law that there should not be supine indifference, slackness or callous attitude in considering the representation submitted against the detention order and any unexplained delay in disposal of a representation would be breach of the Constitutional imperative and it would render the continued detention impermissible and illegal: Jammu Kashmir and Ladakh High Court
January 10, 2023by Primelegal Team0

The Jammu Kashmir and Ladakh High Court passed a judgement on the 9th of December, 2022 in which the court allowed the instant petition and consequ

If the detenu is not supplied with the material, on which the detention order is based, he will not be in a position to make an effective representation against his detention order. Failure on part of detaining authority to supply material relied upon at the time of making the detention order to detenu, renders the detention order illegal and unsustainable: Jammu Kashmir and Ladakh High Court
January 10, 2023by Primelegal Team0

The Jammu Kashmir and Ladakh High Court passed a judgement on the 14th of December, 2022 in which the court upheld the petition and quashed the det

Due to non-compliance with the Supreme Court’s judgement, the High Court orders that the UP Urban Local Body Elections be held without OBC reservation : Allahabad High Court
Due to non-compliance with the Supreme Court’s judgement, the High Court orders that the UP Urban Local Body Elections be held without OBC reservation : Allahabad High Court
January 10, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Case Title: State of UP v. Vaibhav Pandey And Anr. SLP(C) No. 128/2023 Due to the fact that the state’s notification regarding OBC reservatio