Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
Writ petition filed in contrary to termination of membership in the society – stands dismissed by Punjab High court
Writ petition filed in contrary to termination of membership in the society – stands dismissed by Punjab High court
July 13, 2023by Primelegal Team0

 TITLE: Maninder Pal v Chandigarh Sector 16 Co-operative House Building Society Ltd. and Others Decided On-: May 17, 2023 CWP No. 11685 of 2009 (O

The appellant prays in front of the court, seeking that the guilty sentence be reduced to time served under section 392 & 411 IPC- granted by Haryana High court
The appellant prays in front of the court, seeking that the guilty sentence be reduced to time served under section 392 & 411 IPC- granted by Haryana High court
July 13, 2023by Primelegal Team0

TITLE: Lovepreet v UT Chandigarh Decided On-: May 24, 2023 CRA-S-47 of 2021 (O&M) CORAM: Hon’ble Justice Mr. Jaishree Thakur INTRODUCTION-  

According to the Allahabad High Court, the “Registered Owner Refuses To Surrender RC Or Absconds” clause of the Motor Vehicle Act is not a requirement to exercise power.
According to the Allahabad High Court, the “Registered Owner Refuses To Surrender RC Or Absconds” clause of the Motor Vehicle Act is not a requirement to exercise power.
July 13, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title: Shahrukh Saleem. vs. State of UP and 2 others  Decided on: 4th July, 2023. WRIT – A No. – 10418 of 2023  CORAM: Hon’ble

Commercial Courts Act, Section 12A- Delay in Filing a Lawsuit Does Not Ensure That No “Urgent Interim Relief” Is Needed; Allahabad High Court
Commercial Courts Act, Section 12A- Delay in Filing a Lawsuit Does Not Ensure That No “Urgent Interim Relief” Is Needed; Allahabad High Court
July 13, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title: Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. Mumbai Having Divisional Office,Lko. Thru. G.M. Engineering Department vs. Commercial Court-II, Lko. And Another

Patna High Court disposed of writ petition by availing equal distribution of share as per Article 300-A of the Constitution of India
Patna High Court disposed of writ petition by availing equal distribution of share as per Article 300-A of the Constitution of India
July 13, 2023by Primelegal Team0

TITLE: Sushma Sharma v. The State of Bihar & Ors. Decided on: 12-07-2023 CWJC No: 8582/2016 Coram: HONOURABLE MR. JUSTICE PURNENDU SINGH  Fact

Validity of ‘Gift’ Under Mohammedan Law Contingent on Delivery of Possession to Donee, Kerala High Court Judgment
Validity of ‘Gift’ Under Mohammedan Law Contingent on Delivery of Possession to Donee, Kerala High Court Judgment
July 13, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Case Title: Abdul Jabbar v. Khadeeja Beevi & Ors. Bench : P.G. AJITHKUMAR, JUDGE  Date : THE 5TH DAY OF JULY 2023 Facts: The judgement and dec

Kerala High Court Directs Respondent to Solemnize Marriage Based on Divorce Decree
Kerala High Court Directs Respondent to Solemnize Marriage Based on Divorce Decree
July 13, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Case Title : Arun A. v. Marriage Officer Bench : P.V.KUNHIKRISHNAN JUDGE Date : 7TH DAY OF JULY 2023  Facts: The petitioner was an Indian citizen

Delhi High Court dismissed the appeal filed under Section 37 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.
Delhi High Court dismissed the appeal filed under Section 37 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.
July 13, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title: UNION OF INDIA versus INDIAN AGRO MARKETING CO-OPERATIVE LTD Judgment reserved on: 25th May, 2023. Judgment delivered on: 11th July, 2023.

The publication of seniority list is a statutory function : HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE FOR RAJASTHAN AT JODHPUR
The publication of seniority list is a statutory function : HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE FOR RAJASTHAN AT JODHPUR
July 13, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Case Title: Kharta Ram & Ors. versus  State Of Rajasthan & Anr. Case No.: S.B. Civil Writ Petition No. 17805/2019 Decided on: 02.05.2023 C

Maheshwari Public School   has been directed to reinstate the respondent back in service with all consequential benefits: HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE FOR RAJASTHAN BENCH AT JAIPUR
Maheshwari Public School has been directed to reinstate the respondent back in service with all consequential benefits: HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE FOR RAJASTHAN BENCH AT JAIPUR
July 13, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Case Title: MAHESHWARI PUBLICE SCHOOL VS RAN NON GOV EDUCATION TRI ORS Case No.: S.B. Civil Writ Petition No. 18478/2011 Decided on: 03/05/2023 Cor