Digital evidence means Information that has been stored or transmitted in binary format and is admissible in court is known as digital evidence. It
Digital evidence means Information that has been stored or transmitted in binary format and is admissible in court is known as digital evidence. It
Abstract: PEPSICO INDIA offers a variety of seeds for contract farming, which aids farmers in using technology, obtaining agricultural loans, and g
TITLE: Sumedha Goel v State of Haryana Decided On-: May 1, 2023 CWP-19776-2020 (O&M) CORAM: Hon’ble Justice Ms. Ritu Bahri &Manisha Bat
Case Title: M/s Khandelwal Paper Industries & Ors. v. Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board & Ors. Case No.: S.B. Civil Writ Petition No.
Case Title: Vijendra Singh v. State of Rajasthan & Anr. Case No.: D.B. Criminal Misc Suspension of Sentence Application (Appeal) No. 21/2023 De
TITLE: Dynamic Associates Vs. Mr. Singaracharlu and Ors. Decided On: July 13, 2023 Original Side Appeal No. 431 of 2018 and C.M.P. No. 19
TITLE: M.Rajendran and Ors Vs. The Secretary to Government and Ors. Decided On: July 12, 2023 W.P.No.6677 of 2010 and M.P.No.2 of 2010 CORAM
TITLE: Vikas v State of Haryana Decided On-: June 16, 2023 CRM-M-30321-2023 (O&M) CORAM: Hon’ble Justice Mr. Vinod S. Bhardwaj INTRODUCT
TITLE: Gautam Singh v. The State Of Bihar & Ors. Decided on: 13-07-2023 CWJC No: 7539/2015 Coram: HONOURABLE MR. JUSTICE DR. ANSHUMAN Facts o
TITLE: Lal Jha v. The Assistant General Manager & Ors. Decided on: 12-07-2023 CWJC No: 17705/2017 Coram: HONOURABLE MR. JUSTICE A. ABHISHEK RED