Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
Punjab high court grants the obvious fundamental right to citizens (Passport Act, 1967) at a stretch
Punjab high court grants the obvious fundamental right to citizens (Passport Act, 1967) at a stretch
July 24, 2023by Primelegal Team0

TITLE: Mohan Lal & others vs Union of India   Decided On-14.07.2023 CWP-27167 of 2018 and all connected cases CORAM: Hon’ble Justice Mr. Jag

Haryana High Court- Observes good behavior for over 22 years on bail  and grants acquittal
Haryana High Court- Observes good behavior for over 22 years on bail and grants acquittal
July 24, 2023by Primelegal Team0

TITLE: Yogesh v State of Haryana Decided On-:02.6.2023 CRM-M No. 27293 of 2023 CORAM: Hon’ble Justice Mr. N.S Shekhawat   INTRODUCTION- The accu

Punjab High Court- Grants regular bail accused under sections 420, 465, 468, 471&120-B
Punjab High Court- Grants regular bail accused under sections 420, 465, 468, 471&120-B
July 24, 2023by Primelegal Team0

TITLE: Ram Baksh v State of Punjab Decided On-:02.6.2023 CRM-M No. 27293 of 2023 CORAM: Hon’ble Justice Mr. Raj Mohan Singh INTRODUCTION- The pet

Money Laundering and the Case of Hasan Ali Khan v. Union of India, 2011
Money Laundering and the Case of Hasan Ali Khan v. Union of India, 2011
July 24, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Meaning of money laundering Money laundering is the practice of concealing the origin of monies received from unlawful sources and transferring the

Cartels and Competition Law in India
Cartels and Competition Law in India
July 24, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Abstract This Article gives an analysis on the topic of cartel and their nature and new era cartels. It also looks into the matter of impact of car

Laws on Hate crime in India.
Laws on Hate crime in India.
July 23, 2023by Primelegal Team0

  Introduction.   There exists no clear definition of a hate crime. However, common understanding suggests that a hate crime is any offen

Delhi High Dismissed the Anticipatory bail due to the nature of gravity of offences committed.
Delhi High Dismissed the Anticipatory bail due to the nature of gravity of offences committed.
July 22, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title: RAKESH KUMAR vs State (GNCTD) Reserved on: 17.05.2023 Pronounced on: 14.07.2023 + BAIL APPLN. 1571/2023 CORAM: HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE RAJ

Delhi high Court quashed the FIR against the petitioner as the parties have voluntarily without any fear, force and coercion, and have decided to give quietus to the proceedings.
Delhi high Court quashed the FIR against the petitioner as the parties have voluntarily without any fear, force and coercion, and have decided to give quietus to the proceedings.
July 22, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title: SH. MANOJ BISWAS AND ANR. versus STATE OF NCT OF DELHI AND ANR. Date of Decision:17th July, 2023 + CRL.M.C. 4808/2023 CORAM: HON’BLE M

Patna High Court directed the Registrar to pay all admissible dues within six weeks
Patna High Court directed the Registrar to pay all admissible dues within six weeks
July 21, 2023by Primelegal Team0

TITLE: Sajjandhari Prasad Sinha & Anr. v. The State of Bihar & Ors. Decided on: 17-07-2023 CWJC No: 15324/2022 Coram: HONOURABLE MR. JUSTIC

Patna High Court allowed statutory challenge if the petitioner was unhappy with the order of reassessment
Patna High Court allowed statutory challenge if the petitioner was unhappy with the order of reassessment
July 21, 2023by Primelegal Team0

TITLE: Prem Pratap Ray v. The State of Bihar & Ors. Decided on: 19-07-2023 CWJC No: 14989/2021 Coram: HONOURABLE THE CHIEF JUSTICE and