CASE TITLE: Â State of U.P. vs. Mohammad Azam Khan S/O Mohammad Mumtaj Khan [GOVERNMENT APPEAL No. – 339 of 2023] DECIDED ON: 03.08.2023 CORA
CASE TITLE: Â State of U.P. vs. Mohammad Azam Khan S/O Mohammad Mumtaj Khan [GOVERNMENT APPEAL No. – 339 of 2023] DECIDED ON: 03.08.2023 CORA
CASE TITLE: M/S Tikona Infinet Private Limited vs. State of U.P. and Another [Writ Tax No. – 859 Of 2023] DECIDED ON: 25.7.2023 CORAM: Hon
Title: D B Ramesh @ Doni Ramesh And State by Excise Police Case No: CRIMINAL REVISION PETITION NO. 779 OF 2020 Date of Order: 07-07-2023 CORUM: HON
Title: Naveen Kumar R @ Naveen & ANR And State of Karnataka. Case No: CRIMINAL PETITION NO. 3173 OF 2023 Date of Order: 12-07-2023 CORAM: HONâ€
Title: Jayshree @ Pushpa and Anr. v. Satyendra Decided on: 18th JULY, 2023 + FAMILY COURT APPEAL NO. 35 OF 2021 CORAM: RAVINDRA V. GHUGE, & Y.
Title: Chandrakant Uttam Kolekar and Ors. v. State of Maharashtra & Ors. Decided on: 2nd AUGUST, 2023 WRIT PETITION NO. 10899 OF 2022 CORAM: G.
Title: Â Monk Estates Private Limited & Anr. v. Government of NCT of Delhi & Ors. Decided on: 27th July, 2023 + Â W.P. (C) 254/2023 CORAM:
Title: Â Ashish Randev & Anr. vs The State (Govt. Of Nct Of Delhi)Â Decided on: 21st July, 2023 + Â W.P.(C) 7554/2022 & CM APPL. 23192/202
C.Kumar vs The Assistant Director Decided on :14 July, 2023 CORAM : THE HON’BLE DR.JUSTICE D.NAGARJUN Introduction: Writ Petition (MD) No.156
 P.Muthukarupan vs The Deputy Superintendent Decided on: 17 July, 2023 CORAM :THE HONOURABLE DR.JUSTICE D.NAGARJUN  Introduction: Writ Petition