Title: Ramesh Laxmanrao Dighade & Ors. v. UoI Decided on: 25/07/2023 + FIRST APPEAL N O . 1422 OF 2019 CORAM: SMT. M.S. JAWALKAR, J Facts of th
Title: Ramesh Laxmanrao Dighade & Ors. v. UoI Decided on: 25/07/2023 + FIRST APPEAL N O . 1422 OF 2019 CORAM: SMT. M.S. JAWALKAR, J Facts of th
Title: Shri. Parag Prakash Mutha v. Kashinath Barku Bhalsingh & Ors Decided on: 18.08.2023 WRIT PETITION NO. 662 OF 2023 CORAM: CORAM: SANDEEP
Gurdarshan Singh Gill Vs. Union of India 2023:PHHC:105728-DB Coram HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE SURESHWAR THAKUR, HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE KULDEEP
Sukhbir Singh Badal Vs. State of Punjab Date of decision: 24.08.2023 CRM-M-1672-2023 CORAM: HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE ANOOP CHITKARA FACT: On June
Title: Nidhi Kapoor and Ors. v. Principal Commissioner and Ors. Decided on: 21st August, 2023 + W.P.(C) 8902/2021 CORAM: HON’BLE MR. JU
Title: Annwesha Deb v. Delhi State Legal Services Authority Decided on: 26th July, 2023 + W.P.(C) 11016/2017 & CM APPL. 2071/2022 CORAM:
TITLE: Biren Chandrakant Shah through LHS Dimple Biren Shah Versus Authorised Officer, Punjab National Bank Decided On-: August 17, 2023 1
TITLE: Asalam through Arshad Versus State of Gujarat Decided On-: August 17, 2023 . 12790 of 2023 CORAM: Hon’ble Justice Mr. A.S .Supehia and M
DATED : 23.08.2023 CORAM: THE HONOURABLE MR. JUSTICE N. ANAND VENKATESH Crl.O.P No.19231 of 2023 Factual Background: The case of Sarath Ku
Dated: 23/ 08 / 2023 CORAM : THE HONOURABLE MRS. JUSTICE R.HEMALATHA Crl.A.No.66 of 2022 Factual Background: The case of Murugesan vs. State