Dated : 25.08.2023 CORAM: THE HONOURABLE MR.JUSTICE R.VIJAYAKUMAR C.R.P(MD).No.230 of 2011 Introduction: The case revolves around a civil rev
Dated : 25.08.2023 CORAM: THE HONOURABLE MR.JUSTICE R.VIJAYAKUMAR C.R.P(MD).No.230 of 2011 Introduction: The case revolves around a civil rev
Title: State of Maharashtra and Anr. v. Ajay Rajendra Pawar. Decided on: 23.08.2023 + REVIEW PETITION (ST) NO. 29872 OF 2019 CORAM: SUNIL B. SHUKRE
DATED : 25.08.2023 CORAM: THE HONOURABLE MR. JUSTICE A.D.JAGADISH CHANDIRA Crl.O.P. No.15969 of 2023 Introduction: The case of K. Sampath v. The
Title: Dattu Shankar Dhumal & Ors. v. The Director, M/s. Damani Shipping Pvt & Anr. Decided on: 25 August 2023 WRIT PETITION NO. 11047 OF 2
TITLE: Amin Alauddin Shaikh through his Mather in Law Mumtazbi Ibrahimkhan Pathan Versus State of Gujarat Decided On-: August 19, 2023 12618 of
TITLE: Aayasing, through his Father Sangatsing Versus State of Gujarat Decided On-: August 19, 2023 12491 of 2023 CORAM: Hon’ble Justice Mr.
X Vs. State of Punjab CWP-4895-2007 Coram HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE VINOD S. BHARDWAJ DATE: 02.08.2023 FACTS: The current plea was initiated to r
Kamla Devi Vs. State of Punjab Date of decision: 21.08.2023 CRWP-5521-2021 CORAM: HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE ALOK JAIN FACT: The inquiry was initiat
TITLE: Dhruv Sureshbhai Sarvaiya Versus State of Gujarat Decided On-: August 18, 2023 13117 of 2023 CORAM: Hon’ble Justice Mr. A.S Supeh
CONCEPT OF ARBITRAL AWARD – BRIEF INSIGHT The term “arbitral award” is defined under section 2(1)(c) of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act.