ABSTRACT It is widely understood that a person who owns land or any other property has the right to possess, maintain, and manage it as they see fi
ABSTRACT It is widely understood that a person who owns land or any other property has the right to possess, maintain, and manage it as they see fi
TITLE – Pappu Versus State of Gujarat and Others Decided On-: August 22, 2023 4695 of 2014 INTRODUCTION- The original accused has aske
Title: Mohd. Shakeel vs. State Of U.P Decided on : 29th, August ,2023 WRIT-C NO. – 5534 of 2023 CORAM – HON”BLE JUSTICE V
Abstract: There is no central law in India that criminalizes begging. In India 22 states and union territories have their own anti-begging laws. Th
TITLE – Nareshkumar Mangaji Khant Versus State of Gujarat Decided On-: August 25, 2023 14 of 2016 CORAM: Hon’ble Justice Mr. M.R Me
Analysis of Movable and immovable property as per the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 Research question: What is property and different kinds as ana
INTRODUCTION In a recent landmark judgment, the Supreme Court of India, in the case of Revanasiddappa and Anr v. Mallikarjun and Ors [1], deli
Title – Pappu Versus State of Gujarat and Others Decided On-: August 22, 2023 4695 of 2014 CORAM: Hon’ble Justice Mr. M.R Mengdey INTRODU
TITLE: Rahul Ajaykumar Singhal Versus AY Baloch Inspector of Police Decided On-: August 22, 2023 1202 of 2023 CORAM: Hon’ble Justice Mr. A.S Su
Title: Mahant Prasad Ram Tripathi vs. State of U.P. Decided on : 23- August-2023. CRIMINAL REVISION NO. – 935 of 2023 CORAM: