Title: Anjuman Moinia Fakhria Chishtiya Khuddam Khwaja Saheb (Syedzadgan), Dargah Sharif, Ajmer vs. Union Of India and others Decided on: 03rd Ju
Title: Anjuman Moinia Fakhria Chishtiya Khuddam Khwaja Saheb (Syedzadgan), Dargah Sharif, Ajmer vs. Union Of India and others Decided on: 03rd Ju
Title: Commercial Taxes Officer Versus Chokhi Dhani Resorts Pvt. Ltd. Decided on: 02 June, 2023 Case No.: S.B. Sales Tax Revision / Reference No. 6
TITLE: Union of India Vs. V.Vetrivel Decided On: September 1, 2023. C.M.A.No.1415 of 2023 and CMP No.14103 of 2023. CORAM: Hon’ble Mr. Justice
TITLE: TATA AIG General Insurance Co Ltd Vs. Saravanan. Decided On: August 30, 2023. Civil Miscellaneous Appeal No.626 and C.M.P. No. 4479 of
TITLE – Vishal Versus State of Gujarat Decided On-: August 28, 2023 9822 of 2023 CORAM: Hon’ble Justice Mr. J.Vora INTRODUCTION- The a
TITLE – Alambhai Nurabhai Malek Versus State of Gujarat Decided On-: August 28, 2023 7145 of 2023 CORAM: Hon’ble Justice Mr. Hasmukh INTR
Case Title: Neera Mehta v. Union of India and Anr. Date of Decision: 01.09.2023 Case Number: W.P.(C) 16059/2022 & CM APPLS. 50120/2022 and
Case Title: Batra Medicos and Others v. Union of India and Others Date of Decision: 18 August, 2023 Case Number: W.P. (C) 5077/2023 & CM APPL
The Bombay High Court at Goa grants bail to Nigerian national found in possession of drugs on the grounds that the criminal precedents cannot preve
The Bombay High Court at Goa grants bail to two accused convicted of kidnapping, based on the grounds of prolonged trial, lack of criminal preceden