Title: Mohd Nasim vs. The State Citation: CRL.REV.P.296/2017 Coram: HON’BLE DR. JUSTICE SUDHIR KUMAR JAIN Decided on: 3-11-2023 Introductio
Title: Mohd Nasim vs. The State Citation: CRL.REV.P.296/2017 Coram: HON’BLE DR. JUSTICE SUDHIR KUMAR JAIN Decided on: 3-11-2023 Introductio
Title: Jaymanti Devi vs. The State of Bihar & ORS. Citation: Civil Writ Jurisdiction Case No:6338 of 2023 Coram: HONA’BLE MR. JUSTICE PURNE
Abstract India has an uncompromising structure of gun laws in the world. In the said country firearm acquisition is not provided as fundamental rig
“The whole duty of the government is to prevent crime and preserve contract” William Lamb , A pillar of global trade, the Convention o
CYBERBULLYING AND ITS LEGAL REMEDIES ABSRACT The use of the digital technologies has made the growth of the cyberbullying. The main reason behin
Abstract Managing employee rights in the gig economy is a difficult and urgent problem with many legal obstacles and a lack of workable solutions.
Abstract This article covers an in-depth legal overview of NALSAR University of Law’s recent menstrual leave policy implementation. Menstrual
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Introduction The cash for query scandal is a grave issue that has marred the reputation of parliamentary and legislative processes in various count
High Court of Bombay Observed System Default is the standard excuse given by the Department when it comes to giving refunds. Title : Matrix Publi