Title- Raj Kumar Yadav & Ors v The Chief Secretary Govt. of NCT of Delhi and Ors., Ms. Chetna Yadav and Ors. v The Chief Secretary Govt. of NCT
Title- Raj Kumar Yadav & Ors v The Chief Secretary Govt. of NCT of Delhi and Ors., Ms. Chetna Yadav and Ors. v The Chief Secretary Govt. of NCT
High Court of Patna Set Aside the Judgement passed by The Trial Court as the entire story remains Under wrap & the truth has not been unravelle
In Ordinary Parlance Coconut Cannot Be Termed A Vegetable & As Per The Present Suit Appellant Product Processes From Coconut is Used as
Title : Nitin Vikas Karake v Mrs.Chetana Nitin Karake Citation: Criminal Revision Application No.355 Of 2023 Decided On: 28th November, 2023. Coram
Title : Satish Panchariya v The State of Maharashtra Citation : WP-1009-2012 Decided On: 4th November, 2023. Coram: Justice A. S. Gadkari And Justi
The Madras High Court’s ruling mandates IRDAI to accord the same status to AYUSH treatments as allopathic treatments in the matter of medical
The Madras High Court affirmed the nation’s identity in the coexistence of diverse ideologies stating that holding meetings aimed at eradicat
Title- Vijay Kumar v. C.S Valsala Kumaran Nair Decided on: 06.10.2023 + CM(M) 1392/2018 Introduction The present petition is filed under Article 22
Title: Kailash Chand Saini & Ors. vs Union of India & Anr. Decided on: 03.10.2023 + W.P.(C) 11488/2018 Introduction The court in the presen
Every Colleges Established Prior 2003 Will Have To Get A Recognition/permission From The Central Government For Validily Practice Medicine-H