Case Title:- Jayakumar and others Versus Union of India and others Case No:- WP (C) No.2517 of 2020 Decided on :- 4th March 2024 Quorum:- Judge Bas
Case Title:- Jayakumar and others Versus Union of India and others Case No:- WP (C) No.2517 of 2020 Decided on :- 4th March 2024 Quorum:- Judge Bas
Case Title:- The New India Assurance Co. Ltd. Versus Smt.Mangal Ravindra Divate Case No:- FIRST APPEAL NO. 939 OF 2023 WITH CROSS OBJECTION (ST) NO
Case Title:-PRINCIPAL COMMISSIONER OF INCOME TAX, DELHI-10 Versus SMT. RASHMI RAJIV MEHTA Case No:-ITA 984/2019 Decided on:-04-03-2024 Quorum:-HONâ
Case title: P Sreenivasan vs. Babu Raj and State of Kerala. Case no.:  CRL. M.C. NO. 1077 and 558 OF 2024. Decided on: 21.03.2024 Quorum: Hon’bl
Case title: Khazan Singh vs. Baldev Singh Case no.:  CM No. 274/2023. Decided on: 15.03.2024 Quorum: Hon’ble Mr. Justice  Javed Iqbal Wani FA
Case title: Jiya through her Natural Mother Ms. Sushma Vs Maharaja Agrasen Model School & Anr. Case no.: W.P. (C) 4683/2023 and CM APPL. 18067/
Case title: Govind Saran Sharma vs. Delhi Development Authority. Case no.: Â W.P.(C) 2802/2020 & CM APPL. 9787/2020, 7039/2021 Decided on: 18.0
Case title: Arvind Kejriwal vs. Directorate of Enforcement Case no.: Â W.P.(CRL) 985/2024 & CRL.M.A. 9427/2024. Decided on: 27.03.2024 Quorum:
Case title:- Dr.Radhika Kapahtia Versus State of Kerala and others Case No:- CRL.MC No.3412 of 2021 Decided on :- 20th March,2024 Quorum:-Bechu Kur
Decided on 14-03-2024 Quorum: HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE ANOOP KUMAR DHAND Facts of the case:- The petitioner has challenged the decision dated 09.01.20