October 25, 2022by Primelegal Team0


The one stereotypical idea refers to the problem of domestic violence. Stereotypical beliefs can lead to the denial of the fact, resulting in higher repercussions and inadequate prevention. In India, which is a patriarchal or male-dominated society, it is inconceivable to imagine that even men could suffer domestic abuse, which incorrectly deems the problem gender-specific. Yes, it is accurate to say that, on average, there are more cases of domestic violence against women than against men, but this does not imply that there are fewer cases of domestic violence against males. It is true that domestic violence affects adults in our country, but it is also true that children, regardless of their gender or family situation, experience it more frequently every day. Due to the lack of strict regulations protecting children from such abuse, domestic violence has become a major problem in faraway nations. So, in this section, we’ll talk about the rules that apply to domestic abuse against men and men with male children.


The abusive behavior pattern in any relationship to maintain control over the other is referred to as domestic violence. The following are examples of possible physical abuse: punching, slapping, biting, burning, etc.

  • It is invalidating emotional maltreatment that undermines one’s sense of self-worth and self-esteem.
  • Economic abuse, such as denying access to resources and limiting financial aid.
  • Psychological abuse takes the shape of threatening behavior or inciting dread.

As was previously mentioned, in our society, any form of domestic violence was associated with women. However, today’s definition of domestic violence encompasses not only the abuse of women but also:

  • Spouses (thereby expanding the definition of violence against men);
  • Sexual/dating/intimate partners;
  • Children;
  • Family members.


All forms of abuse committed by parents or other caregivers against a child under the age of 18 who is a man are considered domestic violence against male children. The types consist of:

  • Physically harassing or harming male youngsters and adolescent males by their parents or other caregivers is known as maltreatment (including harsh punishment).
  • Sexual violence, which includes attempts to have sex with a male youngster who is unable to resist or non-consensual sexual contact.
  • Emotional/psychological abuse – This includes limiting the child’s freedom of movement, making threats, making comparisons to other kids, persistent bullying, denying the child their privacy, etc.

The male youngster is negatively affected by the parents’ and caretakers’ wonderful behaviors for the rest of his life, which ultimately causes him to lose his sense of reality. It includes:

  • Death—more than 80% of victims who pass away from these causes are boys
  • Improper brain functioning—young age exposure to such violence alters brain development and harms certain elements of the nervous system.
  • Serious Injuries—as a result of physical harm.
  • Negative coping strategies: forcing kids to use drugs, alcohol, and smoking to cope with their anxiety, despair, etc.

Sometimes it even contributes to an increase in the suicide rate. According to numerous studies and surveys, every child has a varied impression of domestic abuse, and as a result, each gender experiences domestic violence differently. Studies show that these boys who are traumatically exposed to domestic violence exhibit more vulnerable behavior patterns and end up being more violent and aggressive than those boys who are not exposed to such pitiful deeds.

Not only does a child have to endure physical harm, but it also leaves a lasting negative impression on their mental health, causing issues with anxiety, depression, self-harming tendencies, etc. from a very young age. They are frequently discovered to be isolating themselves from mainstream society as a result of a habit of living in fear. It is a well-known truth that boys who are exposed to such behaviors from a young age end up engaging in illegal and criminal behavior out of a sense of alienation from their families and a life that is devoid of love and affection.

The higher rate of suicides among boys as a result of such treatments at home and their inability to accept and cope with it is the worst outcome that could possibly occur.


Over the past few years, India has made a very audacious and decisive move to safeguard children from all forms of violence. However, a law explicitly protecting children from domestic abuse has not yet been passed.

  • The Juvenile Justice Act of 2015

The statute protects children whose rights and privileges are violated. This fundamental law was implemented in India to safeguard kids from such actions.

  • The POSCO Act of 2012: Preventing Children from Sexual Offenses

Children who have experienced sexual assault or harassment from anyone are protected by this code of law. The violators of the victim’s rights are subject to severe penalties under the provisions of this law.


Domestic violence cases involving female children typically involve sexual and emotional abuse while those involving male children typically involve physical assault. Even though gender is no longer a factor in inflicting violence, female children are nonetheless more likely to experience domestic abuse than male children.

The Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill of 2018 brought about a number of modifications to India’s child protection laws. In accordance with the proposed legislation, an investigation into a girl child rape must be finished within two months. These matters must be heard in fast-track courts, and those trials must be concluded in less than six months. The punishment for those responsible in situations of rape of a male child, however, has not been changed by the bill; it is still the same. The proposed changes to this measure have significantly altered the severity of the punishment meted out to the offending convicts.



Although domestic violence is a problem that affects all children, regardless of the family’s financial situation, religious affiliation, caste, race, or creed, it is more prevalent in the environments mentioned below:-

  • When compared to parents in an older age group, parents in a younger age group are more likely to use violence toward their children.
  • Parents who lack education or are ignorant frequently behave more violently.
  • Parents who themselves practice violence end up exposing their children to such awful deeds.
  • Children raised in poor homes are significantly more likely than children raised in rich families to be exposed to domestic violence.

  • One of the main factors can also be a long history of violence in the family. A drug addict or alcohol addict’s parents or guardians tend to show a tremendous amount of violence against their children, often to fulfill their unfinished desires to get their jobs done without even considering the perspective of the children.
  • Parents suffering from physical trauma or mental trauma puts down their frustration on the child in the form of violence.

To ensure that children are treated with fundamental human dignity and care and not inhumanely by their parents or guardians, these activities must be stopped. It is crucial to maintain and defend a child’s proper upbringing as a responsible and significant member of the society since the rights and liberties of children are just as vital as those of adults in our society. Certain methods by which they can be protected are as follows:

  • It is the duty of every parent or guardian to behave empathetically toward their children, prioritizing their well-being and being aware of their emotional state.
  • Depriving a child of necessities like food, sleep, care, etc., and producing mental trauma results in aggression.
  • A child addicted to drugs and alcohol must receive help from various NGOs and other organizations to overcome such issues which might affect society at large.
  • It is appropriate for parents to discard using obnoxious or foul language and expressions that might also hurt the child.
  • It is advisable that parents should discipline their children in a fair, reasonable, and just manner.
  • To spread awareness among parents regarding the appropriate behavior towards their children.


The problem of domestic violence has eclipsed most of the other problems in our Indian society, making it one of the main problems that require immediate attention and action. Our society has been plagued by problems and issues for generations. Due to the lack of a law that specifically addresses and resolves the issues and problems regarding the domestic violence that children are facing, India’s recent stringent legislative reforms to protect children and their well-being have not yet had a significant impact. Thus, it can be concluded that until and unless such strict regulations are created to safeguard children from such cruelties, these wrongdoings and emotional torturing will continue to cause the youngsters pain for the rest of their lives, occasionally even inspiring suicide.

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