Apex Court fined woman who approached it challenging demolition of “Corona Mata Mandir” : Supreme Court

June 29, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The Supreme Court of India, through learned judges, Justice M.M Sundresh and Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul  in the case of Deepmala Srivatsava vs. State of Rajasthan (Writ Petition(s)(Civil) No(s). 762/2021) fined women who approched it challenging demolition of “Corona Mata Mandir,

BRIEF FACTS: The petitioner had invoked the jurisdiction of this Court under Article 32 of the Constitution of India for infringement of Fundamental Right predicated on a plea that a temple constructed by her with collaboration with her husband for “Corona Mata Mandir” had been demolished. 

FINDINGS OF THE COURT: The court remarked that the petitioner had not earlier constructed temples for all other possible diseases infecting the people of this country. The land itself was disputed as recorded. A police complaint was made on this behalf. The petitioner also had not taken recourse to any appropriate legal remedy if there was demolition of a construction on her private land in respect of something which was constructed in accordance with the local norms. The apex court was of the view that this petition was clearly an abuse of the process of jurisdiction of this Court under Article 32 of the Constitution of India. The Writ Petition was dismissed with costs of Rs.5000/- to be deposited with the Supreme Court Advocates on Record Welfare Fund within four weeks by the petitioner.


Click here to read Judgement

Primelegal Team

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