This case was filled by Mamta Kumari Wife of Awadh Kumar Resident of Village- Loharganwa, Ward No.08, P.S.- Keshariya, District- East Champaran against the State of Bihar. The Judgment in Mamta Kumari v. The State of Bihar (Citation: CWJC No.1590 of 2022) was served by HONOURABLE MR. JUSTICE P. B. BAJANTHRI.
This case was filled under Article 226 pf the Constitution of India, 1950. Through this case the Petitioner wants the Court to order the respondent authorities to publish selection list regarding post of “Sevika” for Lohargawn Panchayat, Ward No. 08. Further the respondent also wants the Court to direction to the concerned authority for exercise to the transparence policy in the selection list, within stipulated period.
The Court after going through the facts and circumstances observed that the Short question for consideration is to complete the process of selection pursuant to the advertisement issued in the year 2020 for the post of Sevika/Sahayika of Anganbari Centre for the different places. And after due consideration the court ordered the concerned respondent to undertake process of selection and appointment to the post of Sevika/Sahayika of Anganbari Centre in accordance with law and with priority within a period of four months from the date of receipt of this order