This case was filled by Kumar Ram Ranjan Singh Son of Late Parmeshwar Singh, Resident of Village- Jit Jhingoi, Police Station- Khaira, District- Jamui against the State of Bihar. The Judgment in Ranjan Singh v. THE State of Bihar (Citation: CWJC No.5741 of 2020) wad passed by HONOURABLE THE CHIEF JUSTICE and HONOURABLE MR. JUSTICE P. B. BAJANTHRI.
This case was filled under Article 226 of the Constitution of India, 1950. Through this petition the petitioner seeks the court to issue the Writ in the nature of Mandamus asking the respondents to make payment of the work done by the petitioner along with interest on the payment to be made.
The Hon’ble Court after going through the facts and circumstances of the case accepted and taken on record disposed of the Petition and held that the Petitioner shall approach the authority concerned within a period of four weeks from today by filing a representation for redressal of the grievance. The authority concerned shall consider and dispose it of expeditiously by a reasoned and speaking order preferably within a period of four months from the date of its filing along with a copy of this order. Needless to add, while considering such representation, principles of natural justice shall be followed and due opportunity of hearing afforded to the parties; Equally, liberty is reserved to the petitioner to take recourse to such alternative remedies as are otherwise available in accordance with law. At last the court reserved the Liberty to the petitioner to approach the Court, if the need so rises subsequently on the same and subsequent cause of action.
This case was filled by Kumar Ram Ranjan Singh Son of Late Parmeshwar Singh, Resident of Village- Jit Jhingoi, Police Station- Khaira, District- Jamui against the State of Bihar. The Judgment in Ranjan Singh v. THE State of Bihar (Citation: CWJC No.5741 of 2020) wad passed by HONOURABLE THE CHIEF JUSTICE and HONOURABLE MR. JUSTICE P. B. BAJANTHRI.
This case was filled under Article 226 of the Constitution of India, 1950. Through this petition the petitioner seeks the court to issue the Writ in the nature of Mandamus asking the respondents to make payment of the work done by the petitioner along with interest on the payment to be made.
The Hon’ble Court after going through the facts and circumstances of the case accepted and taken on record disposed of the Petition and held that the Petitioner shall approach the authority concerned within a period of four weeks from today by filing a representation for redressal of the grievance. The authority concerned shall consider and dispose it of expeditiously by a reasoned and speaking order preferably within a period of four months from the date of its filing along with a copy of this order. Needless to add, while considering such representation, principles of natural justice shall be followed and due opportunity of hearing afforded to the parties; Equally, liberty is reserved to the petitioner to take recourse to such alternative remedies as are otherwise available in accordance with law. At last the court reserved the Liberty to the petitioner to approach the Court, if the need so rises subsequently on the same and subsequent cause of action.