Parole may be granted to a petitioner in the event of emergent situations like death or serious illness of father, mother, brother, sister, spouse,
Parole may be granted to a petitioner in the event of emergent situations like death or serious illness of father, mother, brother, sister, spouse,
When a party’s contention is disposed of without assigning any reason, it is only appropriate that the matter should go back to the First App
The petitioner was convicted under section 380 of the Indian penal code 1860, i.e., “Theft in dwelling house, etc.—Whoever commits theft in any
According to section 148 of the negotiable instrument act,1885, “power of the appellate court to order payment pending appeal against conviction.
A company which has not been operating for a considerably long period of time will be struck of the rolls from the register of companies by the reg
Inordinate delay on the part of the petitioners will lead to the non-interference of the court since entertaining a belated claim would only have t
When an employee had filed representation against a transfer order due to a serious medical condition, the employer be sympathetic while considerin
Section 197 of the CrPC seeks to protect an officer from unnecessary harassment, who is accused of an offence committed while acting or purporting
The practice of choosing the court in which to bring an action from among those courts that could properly exercise jurisdiction based on a determi
It is trite to say that as a bank guarantee is an independent contact, there is a limited scope for interference in case of encashment of bank guar