Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
Allahabad High Court states that an anticipatory bail plea cannot be rejected on the grounds that a chargesheet has been filed, or that the court took notice of the offense.
Allahabad High Court states that an anticipatory bail plea cannot be rejected on the grounds that a chargesheet has been filed, or that the court took notice of the offense.

Title: Dr. Kartikeya Sharma And 2 Others vs. State of U.P. and Another Dated on: 9th May, 2023 CRIMINAL MISC ANTICIPATORY BAIL APPLICATION U/S 438

Delhi High Court dismissed the appeal filed against the judgement passed by the single judge bench upholding the candidature of respondents
Delhi High Court dismissed the appeal filed against the judgement passed by the single judge bench upholding the candidature of respondents

Title: MR KISHOR BANDEKAR AND ORS vs MR MAHESH CANDOLKAR AND ORS Reserved on: 03rd July, 2023 Pronounced on: 06th July, 2023 + LPA 504/2023 & C

Man accused of posting disrespectful pictures of Lord Hanuman was denied relief by the Allahabad High Court. Claims it to be ‘Shocking allegations’.
Man accused of posting disrespectful pictures of Lord Hanuman was denied relief by the Allahabad High Court. Claims it to be ‘Shocking allegations’.

Title: Rajesh Kumar vs. State of U.P. and Another Dated on: 5th June, 2023 APPLICATION U/S 482 No. – 21056 of 2023 CORAM: Hon’ble Prash

KAAPA | Kerala High Court: Preventive Detention Order Violates Due to Unreasonable Delay by Detaining Authority in Seeking “Additional Particulars”
KAAPA | Kerala High Court: Preventive Detention Order Violates Due to Unreasonable Delay by Detaining Authority in Seeking “Additional Particulars”

Case Title: Ambika B. v. State of Kerala & Ors. Bench : P.B.SURESH KUMAR, JUDGE  C.S.SUDHA, JUDGE. Date : 3RD DAY OF July, 2023. Facts: The pe

Minor discrepancies do not constitute a violation of section 307, according to the Haryana High Court
Minor discrepancies do not constitute a violation of section 307, according to the Haryana High Court

TITLE: Arjun and Others v State of Haryana & Chaman v State of Haryana Decided On-:  June 7, 2023 CRA-S-1134-SB-2008 (O&M) and CRR-2263-20

Punjab high court considers ripe age and reduces the sentence of the accused.
Punjab high court considers ripe age and reduces the sentence of the accused.

TITLE: Ram Saran v State of Haryana Decided On-:  May 03, 2023 CRR No.1054 of 2008 CORAM: Hon’ble Justice Mr Deepak Gupta INTRODUCTION –  The

The Kerala High Court warns prison officials against unnecessary delays and detention of lawyers visiting clients in jail.
The Kerala High Court warns prison officials against unnecessary delays and detention of lawyers visiting clients in jail.

Case Title: Thushar Nirmal Sarathy v. State of Kerala Bench : P.V.KUNHIKRISHNAN JUDGE Date : 26TH DAY OF JUNE 2023 Facts: A lawyer filed a writ pet

Even in the absence of amendment provisions under the CrPC, the Family Court may allow pleading amendments: Kerala High Court
Even in the absence of amendment provisions under the CrPC, the Family Court may allow pleading amendments: Kerala High Court

Case Title : Govindarajan @ Govind v. Vidya & Anr. Bench : V.G.ARUN JUDGE Date : 23RD DAY OF JUNE 2023 Facts: The petitioner is the respondent

Delhi High Court allowed the writ petition filed and dismissed the order passed by the Container Corporation of India Ltd.

Title: Loadstar Equipment Ltd. Vs Container Corporation of India Ltd. Decision: 04.07.23 W.P.(C) 5040/2023 & CM APPL. 19721/2023 CORAM: HONR

Gold Smuggling Cumulative Value of Illegal Import by Persons With Common Intention To Determine Whether Offence Bailable: Kerala High Court
Gold Smuggling Cumulative Value of Illegal Import by Persons With Common Intention To Determine Whether Offence Bailable: Kerala High Court

Case Title: Pulikkippoyil Sharafudheen & Anr. v. Superintendent of Customs Bench : BECHU KURIAN THOMAS JUDGE Date : 27.06.2023 Facts: The petit