Case Title: M/S Bombay Intelligence Security India Ltd. v. Government of NCT of Delhi & Ors. Date of Decision: 27th September, 2023 Case Numb
Case Title: M/S Bombay Intelligence Security India Ltd. v. Government of NCT of Delhi & Ors. Date of Decision: 27th September, 2023 Case Numb
Bombay High Court Goa dismisses petition due to the availability of remedy before NGT Title: Vandana Prabhugaonkar v. Goa Coastal Zone Management A
Bombay High Court at Goa grants bail to Petitioner after 4 years of incarceration Title: Jagdish Dhodamani v. Police Inspector Decided on: Septembe
Title: Bheru Jat vs. State of Rajasthan Date of Decision: September 20, 2023 Case ID: S.B. Criminal Revision Petition No. 759/2003 Presiding Judge:
Title: Lalchand vs. State of Rajasthan Date of Decision: September 18, 2023 Case ID: S.B. Criminal Misc Suspension of Sentence Application No. 339/
Case Title: Disha A. Ravi vs. State (NCT of Delhi) Date of Decision: 26.09.2023 Case Number: CRL.M.C. 5914/2023 & CRL. M.A. 22214/2023 Co
Case Title: Tirpat Singh Bansal v. Jagwant Kaur Date of Decision: September 26, 2023 Case Number: MAT.APP.(F.C.) 32/2023 Coram: Hon’b
Title: Suman vs. State of Rajasthan Date of Decision: September 20, 2023 Case ID: S.B. Civil Writ Petition No. 14733/2022 Presiding Judge: Hon̵
Title: Hindustan Unilever Limited vs. Union of India Date of Decision: September 6, 2023 Case ID: D.B. Civil Writ Petition No. 13617/2023 Presiding
Case Title: Uma Sharma v. Octagon Builders & Promoters & Anr. Date of Decision: 21st September 2023 Case Number: CO.PET. 147/2014 &