Title: Kerala Infrastructure Investment Fund Board (KIIFB) v. Director, Directorate of Enforcement and connected matter Decided on: 24 November, 20
Title: Kerala Infrastructure Investment Fund Board (KIIFB) v. Director, Directorate of Enforcement and connected matter Decided on: 24 November, 20
Title: Archa Nair v. State of Kerala Decided on: 21 November, 2023 + WP(C) NO. 38620 OF 2023 CORAM: HON’BLE Justice Devan Ramachandran Introd
Title: Sita Ram Jakhar vs State of Rajasthan Citation: S.B. Civil Writ Petition No. 17796/ 2022 Coram: Justice Sudesh Bansal Decided on: 14/03/2023
Title: Badri Ram vs State of Rajasthan Citation: S.B Civil Writ Petition No. 14681/2019 Coram: Justice Dinesh Mehta Decided on: 14-03-2023. Introdu
Citation: CR. MISC. No.39089 of 2023 Decided On: 16-10-2023 Coram: Honourable Mr. Justice Satyavrat Verma Introduction: The learned counsel for the
Citation: CR. MISC. No.21467 of 2023 Decided On: 16-10-2023 Coram: : Honourable Mr. Justice Chakradhari Sharan Singh Introduction: The petitioner h
Title: Binesh Paswan v The State Of Bihar Citation: CR. MISC. No.21466 of 2023 Decided On; 16-10-2023 Coram: Honourable Mr. Justice Chakradhari Sha
Citation: CR. MISC. No.21192 of 202 Decided On: 16-10-2023 Coram: Honourable Mr. Justice Chakradhari Sharan Singh Introduction: The petitioner has
The impact of EWS reservation on social equality in India: The impact of EWS reservation on social equality in India has been a subject of debate a
The Deepfake technology Abstract One of the most emerging industries in the current scenario is artificial intelligence where it i