TITLE : Nutan Warehousing Company Pvt.Ltd V The commissioner, Central Tax, Pune CITATION : WP 12775 of 2019 CORAM : Hon’ble justice G.S Kulkarni
TITLE : Nutan Warehousing Company Pvt.Ltd V The commissioner, Central Tax, Pune CITATION : WP 12775 of 2019 CORAM : Hon’ble justice G.S Kulkarni
TITLE : Vijay v The state of Maharashtra CITATION : Criminal Appeal No of 84 of 2018 CORAM : Hon’ble justice Vibha Kankanwadi & Hon’ble Jus
Case Title: Gunasekaran v The State of Tamil Nadu and Others Case No: W.P.No.3002 of 2018 Decided on: 23rd November, 2023 CORAM: THE HON’BLE MR.
Case Title: C Mani v Principal Secretary to Government of Tamil Nadu Case No: W.P.(MD)No.25304 of 2018 Decided on: 05th  December,2023 CORAM: THE
Title: Jamal Ranjha v Chandra Kumar Pandey Decided on: 03.10.2023 + CRL.M.C. 7127/2023 CORAM: HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE TUSHAR RAO GEDELA Introduct
Title: Govt. of NCT of Delhi and Ors. v Sunil Kumar and Ors. Decided on: October 12, 2023 + W.P.(C) 13483/2023, CM APPL. 53266/2023 & 53267/202
Non- Conclusion of the trial before the learned trial Court reflects as poorly as on its own performance – High Court of Patna TITLE-Satyendr
There is no gainsaying that even one assault on the vital portion on the deceased would clearly attract the mischief of section 302 of IPC:Â
As per Bihar Panchayat Elementary Teacher rule 2016 the appointment of teachers shall be made on regular basis through open competative exam
As Trial court was under impression that panchanama is a substantive piece of evidence but Panchnama is not substantive piece of evidence an