Title: Ms. Sabiha Parveen V Government Of Nct Of Delhi & Ors. Citation: W.P.(C) 11646/2023 & Cm Appl. 45465/2023 Coram: Hon’ble T
Title: Ms. Sabiha Parveen V Government Of Nct Of Delhi & Ors. Citation: W.P.(C) 11646/2023 & Cm Appl. 45465/2023 Coram: Hon’ble T
Kerala High Court on the case the respondent alleged to have defected by voluntarily giving up membership of the party under whose banner he was e
Delhi High Court on the Petitioner’s conduct by giving a wrong statement in the writ petition. Title : MS. SABIHA PARVEEN v. GOVERNMENT OF NCT OF
Kerala High Court on how assessments have to be made in respect of building tax . Title : E.K.ANIL v. TAHASILDAR & Others. Decided on : 19t
High Court of Madras on challenge made in the writ petition, the imported goods declared as fresh apples, on the ground of minimum import price. Ti
Title: ANR International Private Limited v. Mahavir Singhal & Ors. Decided on: 03 November, 2023 + FAO (COMM) 164/2023 & CM APPL. 40580/202
Title: NXGN Sports Interactive Private Limited v. Union of India Date: 03 November, 2023 + R/ Special Civil Application No. 19183 of 2023 CORAM: H
Title: Anjana Gosain vs. Government of NCT & ANR. Citation: W.P.(C) 2506/2019 & CM APPL. 19643/2021 Coram: JUSTICE PRATHIBA M. SINGH INTROD
Title: Swashray Co-op. Housing Society Ltd& Ors. Vs. Shanti Enterprises Citation: CAP (L) No. 10432 OF 2023 Coram: JUSTICE MANISH PITALE Decide
Title: Fathimathu Suhara v. Union of India Date: 03 November, 2023 + WP (C) No. 36379 of 2023 CORAM: Hon’ble Justice Mr. Devan Ramachandran Intro