“That government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”. Lincoln’s address was a vital definitive for
“That government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”. Lincoln’s address was a vital definitive for
Evidence is a proof which supports a claim or a belief and if it is not present, nothing then remains to prove the innocence or guilt of the convic
Flaws in the initial investigation, unskilled prosecution and also the passive involvement of the trial judge led to acquittal of all accused. The
Higher Courts cannot use their inherent power under Article 227 of the Constitution to interject the arbitral proceedings before the award is given
Calculation of Notional Income of Homemakers must be on the basis of their work, labour and sacrifices. The Supreme Court while deciding upon an in
The party seeking an injunction must show that irreparable damage will be caused if the injunction is refused. This was decided by the Delhi high c
If any soldier’s whereabouts are unknown or who has not been heard of from the last ten years will be presumed “dead”. The Jammu & Kashmi
A compensation for Rs 50,000 each was granted to the two petitioners that were illegally detained in the jail. The two Petitioners are ex-military
Introduction Domestic Violence cases in India is no new story. It has been so long since we are experiencing Domestic Violence cases and its surge.
ABSTRACT The present article tries to draw a real picture of India’s dream of becoming a superpower, India’s emerging position as a world leade