Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
On purchase of shares from any other co-sharers make person co-sharer over the same property: High Court of Shimla
April 24, 2021by Primelegal Team0

Objectors have purchased shares in the suit land from other co-sharers and, therefore, have themselves become co-shares over the suit land. This ho

Bail granted by court referring the quantity of Diacety Morphine as intermediate not commercial: High Court of Shimla.
April 24, 2021by Primelegal Team0

The quantity allegedly recovered is intermediate quantity and not the commercial quantity, the petitioner cannot be kept behind the bars for an unl

Arbitrators like Courts, are legally bound to resolve the disputes in accordance with public policy of the law: Bombay High Court
April 23, 2021by Primelegal Team0

There is no inherent lack of jurisdiction of the Arbitral Tribunal in considering a claim for specific performance of the MOU. The Arbitral Tribuna

A contract which is intended for advancement of trade shall not be regarded as being in restraint of trade: Bombay High Court
A contract which is intended for advancement of trade shall not be regarded as being in restraint of trade: Bombay High Court
April 23, 2021by Primelegal Team0

A negative covenant is enforceable in law and is not contrary to section 27 of the Contract Act, in view of the nature of confidential information

The suspension of an employee is injurious to his interests and must not be continued for an unreasonable period: Jharkhand High Court
April 23, 2021by Primelegal Team0

The suspension of an employee is harmful to his rights and should not be extended indefinitely. The selective suspension perpetuated indefinitely i

No Court or the Tribunal can come to the aid of those who sleep over their rights: Jharkhand High Court
April 23, 2021by Primelegal Team0

It has been repeatedly held that if government employees sleep on their rights and are not alert, the Court cannot come to their aid/rescue and off

Cancellation of bail order is justified, if the order suffers from perverse finding: High Court of Karnataka
Cancellation of bail order is justified, if the order suffers from perverse finding: High Court of Karnataka
April 23, 2021by Primelegal Team0

The cancellation of bail order can be done in cases where the order of granting bail suffers from serious infirmities resulting in miscarriage of j

Sentences awarded in default of payment of fine/compensation cannot be directed to run concurrently: High Court of Karnataka
Sentences awarded in default of payment of fine/compensation cannot be directed to run concurrently: High Court of Karnataka
April 23, 2021by Primelegal Team0

It is not in dispute that the petitioner has not paid the amount as directed by the Court, but he has committed a default in payment of the fine am

According to Section 47 of Cpc the court is required to take questions relating to the execution, satisfaction of the decree: High Court of Shimla
April 23, 2021by Primelegal Team0

The Section 47 of Code of Civil Procedure the executing court is required to look into the questions relating to the execution, discharge or satisf

The High court cannot overlook the statutory limits on its power under Section 482: Supreme Court of India.
The High court cannot overlook the statutory limits on its power under Section 482: Supreme Court of India.
April 23, 2021by Primelegal Team0

The words ‘to secure the ends of justice’ in Section 482 cannot mean to overlook the undermining of a statutory dictate, which in this case is