It was only out of her love and affection and considering her old age and on a clear understanding of her moral duty, she transferred the suit land
It was only out of her love and affection and considering her old age and on a clear understanding of her moral duty, she transferred the suit land
Daily wagers have no fundamental right to be absorbed in service as they cannot be said to be holders of a post, since, a regular appointment could
Objectors have purchased shares in the suit land from other co-sharers and, therefore, have themselves become co-shares over the suit land. This ho
The quantity allegedly recovered is intermediate quantity and not the commercial quantity, the petitioner cannot be kept behind the bars for an unl
There is no inherent lack of jurisdiction of the Arbitral Tribunal in considering a claim for specific performance of the MOU. The Arbitral Tribuna
A negative covenant is enforceable in law and is not contrary to section 27 of the Contract Act, in view of the nature of confidential information
The suspension of an employee is harmful to his rights and should not be extended indefinitely. The selective suspension perpetuated indefinitely i
It has been repeatedly held that if government employees sleep on their rights and are not alert, the Court cannot come to their aid/rescue and off
The cancellation of bail order can be done in cases where the order of granting bail suffers from serious infirmities resulting in miscarriage of j
It is not in dispute that the petitioner has not paid the amount as directed by the Court, but he has committed a default in payment of the fine am