The right of a major individual to marry a person of his or her choice is a fundamental right enshrined in the Constitution of India and no religio
The right of a major individual to marry a person of his or her choice is a fundamental right enshrined in the Constitution of India and no religio
Given the severity of the allegation and the witness of the accused who had been discharged before the trial was held and the above position arisin
The meaning attached to the word mistake, that it is a misconception or error, which is unilateral or mutual, but it is always unintentional, and w
While deciding an appeal against the order of recovery of damages by the Motor Accident Claims Tribunal, the court decided the evidence will be eva
In a dispute regarding if a supply contract is subject to the Building and Other Construction Workers Act, 1996 and Building and Other Construction
The Petitioner has challenged the legality of the order whereby she denied the chance to appear for an interview for the post of Assistant Professo
The oldest principle of civil law is that creditor must seek out the debtor and therefore, it was imperative for the plaintiff to give the correct
Insofar as the State of Delhi is concerned, if a victim applies for compensation to the DLSA or DSLSA, the concerned authority is required to asses
The Court is legally required to bring before the complainant and request his response to the incriminating circumstances. This rule is obligatory
Right to health is an integral part of Right to life under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution. Therefore, providing timely Covid test results is