Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
Merely being a person of Bad Character cannot act as a bar for granting bail to innocent: The High Court of Delhi

Being a person of bad character with other cases pending against him does not justify the fact that he should not be granted bail in a case where t

Necessary to comply with orders of court even without jurisdiction, non-compliance might lead to contempt proceedings: The High Court of Delhi

It is settled law that even orders passed by Court without jurisdiction have to be complied with and for violation of the same, Courts can proceed

Offenders who show aspiration to live as law abiding citizens should be encouraged through parole: High Court of Himachal Pradesh

The purpose of prison sentences is to reform convicts and not to punish them. For this reason in cases where a convict is not a threat to society a

Whether there was consent or not, is to be ascertained only on a careful study of all relevant circumstances: Tripura High Court
Whether there was consent or not, is to be ascertained only on a careful study of all relevant circumstances: Tripura High Court

Consent concerning Section 375, an active, reasoned deliberation about the intended sexual relations shall be implicit in IPC and two proposals hav

The tenant should pay the amount provisional assessment by the controller at the first hearing of the expulsion application: Tripura High Court

It will be for the tenant to pay or tender the amount provisionally assessed by the Controller on the first date of hearing of the application for

Bail can be granted in lieu of performing last rites: Jharkhand High Court

Provisional bail can be granted to the accused for performing last rites by furnishing a personal bond as prescribed by the court. A single-judge b

Court of First Instance legally obligated to specify whether the sentences would run Consecutively or Concurrently: Supreme Court
Court of First Instance legally obligated to specify whether the sentences would run Consecutively or Concurrently: Supreme Court

On deciding the term sentence, the Supreme court held that it is legally obligatory upon the Court of the first instance while awarding multiple pu

S.30(4) of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code only amplifies the considerations of the Committee of Creditors: Supreme Court

The Supreme court while hearing an appeal regarding the resolution plan, held that section 30 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy code only seeks to a

Intermediate quantities of narcotic drugs will not be subject to rigours of Section 37 of NDPS Act: High Court of Himachal Pradesh

Section 37 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotrophic Substances Act 1985 (NDPS) makes offences cognizable and non-bailable, however this is only appl

Section 37 of NDPS Act not a bar to grant bail for “small quantity” of contraband recovered from a person: The High Court of Delhi

The bar of Section 37 of NDPS Act is not applicable in cases where the quantity of contraband recovered from a person falls under the category of