The petitioners got married against the wishes of the respondents, and under article 21 of the constitution of India, “No person shall be deprive
The petitioners got married against the wishes of the respondents, and under article 21 of the constitution of India, “No person shall be deprive
Under the Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances act the petitioner was convicted under sections 22, i.e. “Punishment for contravention in re
The testimony of a victim of sex offence is entitled to great weight before the court and therefore the accused person can be convicted for rape so
A person who has not made any progress in complying with an order passed by the coordinate bench of a High Court, cannot expect much more indulgenc
As per section 16 of the Court Fees Act, 1870 when the dispute between two parties is settled amicably through mediation before the commencement of
Provision of Section 183 of the Chhattisgarh Land Revenue Code, 1959 does not grant the proprietary right to a Kotwar in any manner and there is
Fraudulent representations made by the respondents to secure investments from the petitioner company, which were further misappropriated and siphon
In the present case, the question of law and fact is the same in all these writs and hence they were clubbed together. The petitioners in the prese
Just because the complainant is alleging that he is getting threatening calls, it will not be appropriate to keep the accused in custody and the Co
When there is no substantial reason to detain the accused in custody, against whom a complaint had been registered, then such accused can be grante