Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
DNA test ruling accused as the biological father of the child can only be used as corroborative evidence: Bombay High Court
DNA test ruling accused as the biological father of the child can only be used as corroborative evidence: Bombay High Court
July 30, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The Bombay High Court has upheld that a DNA test ruling accused as the biological father of the child can only be used as corroborative evidence an

The role of the courts is only to aid in the delivery of justice for the litigant: Bombay High Court
The role of the courts is only to aid in the delivery of justice for the litigant: Bombay High Court
July 30, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The Bombay High Court has upheld that the role of the courts is only to aid in the delivery of justice for the litigant through a bench of Justices

The prosecution cannot fail to examine the investigating officer if the circumstances warrant it: Karnataka High Court
July 30, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The Karnataka High Court on 6th June 2022 ruled that in circumstances when the circumstances warrant proving the accused’s guilt beyond all r

Charges can be altered at any point throughout the trial: Karnataka High Court
July 30, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The Karnataka High Court on 8th June 2022 ruled that under Section 216 of the Criminal Procedure Code (Cr. P.C.), the trial court has the power to

Criminal proceedings for rape can be closed if the parties agree to a settlement: Karnataka High Court
July 30, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The Karnataka High Court on 23rd May 2022 ruled that closure of proceedings because the parties have agreed to a settlement is allowed even for the

Bail Cannot Be Refused As An Indirect Method Of Punishment Before Conviction: Orissa High Court
Bail Cannot Be Refused As An Indirect Method Of Punishment Before Conviction: Orissa High Court
July 29, 2022by Primelegal Team0

In the case of Smruti Ranjan Mohanty v. State of Odisha & another connected matter. (BLAPL No. 776 of 2021 & another connected case), the O

‘Letter Of Acceptance’ In A Tender Can’t Be Cancelled Unilaterally Without Assigning Reasons: Orissa High Court
July 29, 2022by Primelegal Team0

In the case of SRB Transport Sambalpur v. Union of India & Ors. and other connected matters (W.P.(C) No. 2430 of 2022 & other connected cas

Arbitral Award Cannot Be Set Aside On The Ground That It Is Based On Insufficient Material : Orissa High Court
Arbitral Award Cannot Be Set Aside On The Ground That It Is Based On Insufficient Material : Orissa High Court
July 29, 2022by Primelegal Team0

In the case of GMR Kamalanga Energy Ltd. versus SEPCO Electric Power Construction Corporation (ARBP (ICA) No.1 of 2021), the Orissa High Court has

Claim of secured creditor under SARFAESI Act not affected by attachment under Karnataka protection of deposits Act : Karnataka High Court.
July 29, 2022by Primelegal Team0

This particular decision is held by the High Court Of Karnataka through the single bench of Justice S G Pandit in the case of BANK OF INDIA v THE S

Welfare State, the Government as a litigant is ordinarily governed by the same norms that govern the commoners : karnataka high court
Welfare State, the Government as a litigant is ordinarily governed by the same norms that govern the commoners : karnataka high court
July 29, 2022by Primelegal Team0

This particular decision is held by the High Court Of Karnataka through the division bench of Justice Krishna S Dixit and Justice P Krishna Bhat