Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
Candidates holding dual degree cannot be arbitrarily rejected on the grounds of having dual degree while making appointments to Public Office: High Court of Orissa.
Candidates holding dual degree cannot be arbitrarily rejected on the grounds of having dual degree while making appointments to Public Office: High Court of Orissa.
August 7, 2022by Primelegal Team0

In the case of Bhuban Mohan Behera V. State of Odisha and Anr. in the High Court of Orissa at Cuttack, W.P.(C) No.3617 of 2022, Bhuban Mohan Behera

State Vigilance Department Cannot be completely exempted from operation of RTI Act: Orissa High Court.
State Vigilance Department Cannot be completely exempted from operation of RTI Act: Orissa High Court.
August 7, 2022by Primelegal Team0

In the present case of Subash Mohapatra & Ors. v. State of Odisha & Anr. on 03. 15.09.2014 heard Mr. R.N. Mohanty, learned counsel for the

High Court of Orissa at Cuttack ruled out that writ of Habeas Corpus can not be issued in matter of custody of child between Husband and Wife.
August 6, 2022by Primelegal Team0

In the case of Koushalya Das v. State of Odisha & Ors. in the High Court of Orissa at WPCRL No.66 of 2022 it was held that in the case of child

As the question of limitation is a mixed question of law and facts, the applicants cannot claim rejection of the plaint at the threshold by application of Order VII Rule 11(d)of the CPC: Bombay High Court.
August 6, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The Bombay High Court on Wednesday, the 3rd of August 2022 passed a judgement against the applicants and rejected the applications, holding that

Accused stands discharged if he pays the amount of interest and costs of litigation incurred by the complainants: Bombay High Court.
Accused stands discharged if he pays the amount of interest and costs of litigation incurred by the complainants: Bombay High Court.
August 6, 2022by Primelegal Team0

On Wednesday, the 3rd of August, in the year 2022, the Bombay High Court passed a judgment in favour of the accused as long as he pays the dues,

Licence of Petitioner restored as court says “Issuance of show cause notice is not an empty formality”: Bombay High Court.
Licence of Petitioner restored as court says “Issuance of show cause notice is not an empty formality”: Bombay High Court.
August 6, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The Bombay High court, recently on Friday, 22nd of July, in the year 2022 passed a judgement in favour of the Petitioner and quashed the order t

Jurisdiction of the court to entertain an original or independent suit by the tenant : high court of Calcutta
August 6, 2022by Primelegal Team0

Jurisdiction of the court to entertain an original or independent suit by the tenant : high court of Calcutta   Section 44 of the 1997 act should

Offence committed with an momentary impulse can be a case of exception in the case of bodily injury likely to cause death : High Court of Calcutta
August 6, 2022by Primelegal Team0

Offence committed with an momentary impulse can be a case of exception in the case of bodily injury likely to cause death : High Court of Calcutta

Assailing the character of a wife amounts to the worst form of mental assault: high court of Calcutta
August 6, 2022by Primelegal Team0

Assailing the character of a wife amounts to the worst form of mental assault: high court of Calcutta   In the decision reported in AIR 2003 Supre

According to second proviso to Rule 42 (1) (a) of the Pension Rules, a Government servant against whom disciplinary action is under consideration by the Appointing Authority, such Government servant shall not be allowed to retire from the services, without prior permission in writing of the Appointing Authority: HIGH COURT OF MADHYA PRADESH AT INDORE
According to second proviso to Rule 42 (1) (a) of the Pension Rules, a Government servant against whom disciplinary action is under consideration by the Appointing Authority, such Government servant shall not be allowed to retire from the services, without prior permission in writing of the Appointing Authority: HIGH COURT OF MADHYA PRADESH AT INDORE
August 6, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The writ petition stands allowed and is hereby quashed by HIGH COURT OF MADHYA PRADESH AT INDORE in the case of DR. NAVED ANWAR V. THE STATE OF M.P