Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
The principle of law that helps in selecting proper guardian of a minor : High Court Of Calcutta
August 10, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The principle of law that helps in selecting proper guardian of a minor : High Court Of Calcutta Click here to view the judgement   It is settled

It is improper to keep such cases pending for years, the Orissa High Court rules after a 7-year delay, ordering compassionate appointments for two.
August 10, 2022by Primelegal Team0

In the case of Pradip Kumar Sahoo v. Principal Secretary to Govt., School and Mass Education Deptt. & Ors. (Case No.: W.P.(C) Nos. 23682 &

Effect of the revocation of the grant of letters of administration was not to revoke the entire proceeding but only to revoke the actual order : high court of Calcutta
August 10, 2022by Primelegal Team0

Effect of the revocation of the grant of letters of administration was not to revoke the entire proceeding but only to revoke the actual order : hi

The High Court of Orissa held that there is no compulsion of rule that one ad-hoc employee can not be replaced by another ad-hoc employee.
The High Court of Orissa held that there is no compulsion of rule that one ad-hoc employee can not be replaced by another ad-hoc employee.
August 10, 2022by Primelegal Team0

In the case of Siba Prasanna Pathy v. State of Odisha & Ors. Case No.: W.P.(C) No. 12250 of 2022, Mr. S.P. Nath, the petitioner’s attorne

Elementary that a challenge to an arbitrary award is not treated as an appeal unless it leads to miscarriage of justice : Calcutta high court
August 10, 2022by Primelegal Team0

Elementary that a challenge to an arbitrary award is not treated as an appeal unless it leads to miscarriage of justice : Calcutta high court   It

Unlawful use of criminal proceedings would encourage recalcitrant borrowers to use the criminal process to stall the recovery of their loans: Bombay High Court.
August 10, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The Bombay High Court on Monday, the 1st of August, in the year 2022 passed a judgement in favour of the petitioners and quashed an FIR as it was

Plaintiff fails to prove encroachment as he couldn’t prove the land was owned by him: Bombay High Court.
Plaintiff fails to prove encroachment as he couldn’t prove the land was owned by him: Bombay High Court.
August 10, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The Bombay High Court on Tuesday, the 2nd of August, in the year 2022, passed a judgement against the plaintiff as he couldn’t prove the case

A woman employee who is on provisional service would be entitled to maternity leave: Kerala High Court
A woman employee who is on provisional service would be entitled to maternity leave: Kerala High Court
August 10, 2022by Primelegal Team0

A woman employee who is on provisional service would be entitled to maternity leave is upheld by the Kerala High Court in the case of Vandana Sreem

Petitioner is far from being eligible to apply for selection, as she indulged in the deplorable act of giving false information: Bombay High Court.
August 10, 2022by Primelegal Team0

On Tuesday, the 2nd of August, in the year 2022, The Bombay High Court passed a judgement against the petitioner as she filed wrongful informatio