Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
State ordered to provide Rs 10,00,000 in compensation to each family member of a worker who died while performing sewage maintenance work: Kerala High Court
August 13, 2022by Primelegal Team0

State ordered to provide Rs 10,00,000 in compensation to each family member of a worker who died while performing sewage maintenance work by the Ke

The evolution of communication necessitates a more practical approach to the mode and manner of summons service, yet, the statutory rules do not permit summons service via WhatsApp: Kerala High Court
The evolution of communication necessitates a more practical approach to the mode and manner of summons service, yet, the statutory rules do not permit summons service via WhatsApp: Kerala High Court
August 13, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The evolution of communication necessitates a more practical approach to the mode and manner of summons service, yet, the statutory rules do not pe

Union government given six weeks to make a decision if gasoline and diesel should be subject to the GST regime: Kerala High Court
August 13, 2022by Primelegal Team0

Union government was given six weeks to make a decision if gasoline and diesel should be subject to the GST regime by the Kerala High Court in the

If an application under Section 34 of the A&C Act is made within the applicable time frame, Section 5 Limitation Act application is not necessary: Orissa High Court
August 13, 2022by Primelegal Team0

In the case of Faridabad Gurgaon Minerals versus Orissa Mining Corporation Ltd. (Dated: 03.08.2022), according to the Orissa High Court, since both

Order Taking Cognizance & Issuing Summons Is Appealable Under S.14A SC/ST Act Because It Is An “Intermediate Order,” Not An “Interlocutory Order”: High Court of Orissa
August 13, 2022by Primelegal Team0

In the case of Smrutikant Rath & Ors. v. State of Odisha & Anr.(Case No.: CRLA No. 408 of 2022 Order,Dated: 20th June 2022), according to t

The Orissa High Court refuses to release those accused of raising a violent commotion at the residence of the chief minister’s private secretary.
August 13, 2022by Primelegal Team0

In the case of Abhisek Acharya & Ors. v. State of Odisha (Case No.: CRLREV No. 331 of 2022 Order Dated: 2nd August 2022), a number of people ac

Unchecked false implication on the relatives of husband would result in misuse of process of law: Telangana High Court
August 12, 2022by Primelegal Team0

In the case of Rajeshwari And Another vs The State Of A.P. Another(CRL.P.Nos.6400 and 7242 of 2013) decided through the learned bench led by Justic

A Petition to allow the ejection of defendants allowed: Bombay high Court.
August 12, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The Bombay High court passed a judgement on Wednesday, the 27th of July, in the year 2022 in which it quashed the order of a lower court and allo

An employee cannot file an application before the National Commission for Scheduled Castes to interfere with the action initiated by an employer, which is in accordance with law and service conditions: Bombay High Court.
An employee cannot file an application before the National Commission for Scheduled Castes to interfere with the action initiated by an employer, which is in accordance with law and service conditions: Bombay High Court.
August 12, 2022by Primelegal Team0

On Wednesday, 27th of July, in the year 2022 the Bombay High Court passed a judgement to quash the order passed by the National Commission for

Any case of contempt is not justified unless there is an intended Willful Disobedience to not follow the orders: Telangana High Court
August 12, 2022by Primelegal Team0

A Telangana High court judgment in the case of Ganta Sudheer Kumar v. Sri T Nagi Reddy, Commissioner, Bhongir Municipality, Bhongir, Yadadri Bhongi