Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
The expression “has constructed” used in Section 10(1D) of the Maharashtra Municipal Corporations Act, 1949 would also include an illegal/unauthorized construction erected by the Councillor before being elected as a Councillor so as to attract disqualification: Bombay High Court.
August 17, 2022by Primelegal Team0

On 23rd of March in the year 2021, The Bombay High Court passed a judgement in which it answered the queries of the division bench in respect to th

The issue of a demand being time barred when it is made on the basis of valuation and / or rate of duty, is an issue relating to the assessment of goods and an appeal under this is maintainable before the court: Bombay High Court.
The issue of a demand being time barred when it is made on the basis of valuation and / or rate of duty, is an issue relating to the assessment of goods and an appeal under this is maintainable before the court: Bombay High Court.
August 17, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The Bombay High Court passed a judgement on the 23rd of December, in 2021 answering the queries of the division bench in relation to the Central Ex

In the case of inter-religious marriage, a writ petition by the husband was allowed asking the police authority to set free the detenu wife: Andhra Pradesh High Court
In the case of inter-religious marriage, a writ petition by the husband was allowed asking the police authority to set free the detenu wife: Andhra Pradesh High Court
August 17, 2022by Primelegal Team0

In the case of Chunduru Karthik Versus The State of Andhra Pradesh (WRIT PETITION NO.14503 of 2022) the Andhra Pradesh HC through the learned bench

If the defendant cannot adduce evidence after filing a written statement due to factors like ill health the decree passed is ex-parte in nature: Andhra Pradesh High Court
August 17, 2022by Primelegal Team0

In case of S Subrahmanyam Naidu Vs. V.Ramachandra Naidu (A.S.No.783 of 2019) decided through the learned bench led by Justice U.Durga Prasad Rao an

Anticipatory bail was granted by the court in case of dowry and attempted murder as the court believed that all family members are being roped in: Andhra Pradesh High Court
August 17, 2022by Primelegal Team0

In the case of Syed Bilal & Ors. v. State of Andhra Pradesh (CRIMINAL PETITION No.4200 OF 2022) decided through the learned bench led by Justic

If a person is externed only from the local limits of the area in which he is operating or for that purpose the limits of the district in which he is operating, he can certainly carry out his activities from the borders adjoining his area of operation/districts and can have access to all his resources from just across the border specially when the high-speed vehicular connectivity is also available at his disposal: HIGH COURT OF MADHYA PRADESH AT INDORE
If a person is externed only from the local limits of the area in which he is operating or for that purpose the limits of the district in which he is operating, he can certainly carry out his activities from the borders adjoining his area of operation/districts and can have access to all his resources from just across the border specially when the high-speed vehicular connectivity is also available at his disposal: HIGH COURT OF MADHYA PRADESH AT INDORE
August 17, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The petition being devoid of merits, is hereby dismissed by HIGH COURT OF MADHYA PRADESH AT INDORE in the case of YATINDRA VERMA V. HOME DEPARTMENT

LIC is a Government of India undertaking and is governed by the Life Insurance Corporation Act, 1956 which is a central act and the State Government has no control over the affairs of the LIC and its employees: HIGH COURT OF MADHYA PRADESH AT INDORE
August 17, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The petition being devoid of merits is hereby dismissed by HIGH COURT OF MADHYA PRADESH AT INDORE in the case of NATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF INSURANCE

There is no direct evidence regarding the involvement of the appellant in the crime. Prosecution case is based on circumstantial evidence: HIGH COURT OF MADHYA PRADESH AT INDORE
There is no direct evidence regarding the involvement of the appellant in the crime. Prosecution case is based on circumstantial evidence: HIGH COURT OF MADHYA PRADESH AT INDORE
August 17, 2022by Primelegal Team0

This appeal filed on behalf of the appellant is hereby dismissed by HIGH COURT OF MADHYA PRADESH AT INDORE in the case of SANJAY V. THE STATE OF MA

Evidence to show that as a result of injury the income is reduced or there is a loss of earnings while awarding compensation: high court of Calcutta
Evidence to show that as a result of injury the income is reduced or there is a loss of earnings while awarding compensation: high court of Calcutta
August 17, 2022by Primelegal Team0

Evidence to show that as a result of injury the income is reduced or there is a loss of earnings while awarding compensation: high court of Calcutt

A case may rest squarely on the circumstantial evidence : high court of Calcutta
August 17, 2022by Primelegal Team0

A case may rest squarely on the circumstantial evidence : high court of Calcutta It is well settled proposition of law that where the cases rests s