Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
No Right to practice after accusation proven Section 18 (C) & under Section 27 of the Drugs & Cosmetic Act
September 12, 2022by Primelegal Team0

No Right to practice after accusation proven Section 18 (C) & under Section 27 of the Drugs & Cosmetic Act- Rajasthan High Court The Rajast

optional for the aggrieved workmen either to accept reinstatement in service as helper with all arrears of compensation
September 12, 2022by Primelegal Team0

It is optional for the aggrieved workmen either to accept reinstatement in service as helper with all arrears of compensation, he may do so for the

State Vigilance Department Can’t Be Completely Exempted From Operation Of RTI Act: Orissa High Court
State Vigilance Department Can’t Be Completely Exempted From Operation Of RTI Act: Orissa High Court
September 12, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The Odisha High Court passed a judgement on 20.06.2022. In the case of Subash Mohapatra & Ors. v. State of Odisha & Anr (W.P.(C) No. 14286

September 12, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The Odisha High Court passed a judgement on 20.05.2022. In the case of Case  Kantaro Kondagari @ Kajol v. State of Odisha & Ors ( 4779 of 2022

Where Mother Holds Exclusive Custody Of Minor, Passport Officer Can’t Insist On Father’s Consent : Karnataka High Court
September 12, 2022by Primelegal Team0

Karnataka High Court ordered that the Regional Passport Officer cannot insist upon the presence of the father of the ward or for his consent for is

State Legislators are not disqualified from Holding Posts in Committees or Society: Karnataka High Court.
September 12, 2022by Primelegal Team0

Karnataka High Court said that Member of the State Legislative Assembly or Legislative Council is not disqualified from holding the post of Chairma

Show details of buildings constructed after 2010 in violation of General Development Control Rules: Bombay High Court
September 12, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The Bombay High Court CIDCO for failing to file a proper affidavit and sought details of all the buildings in violation of the GDCR Rules under the

Bail granted to 20-year-old booked after his “indifferent reaction” to girlfriend’s pregnancy led to her suicide: Bombay High Court
September 12, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The Bombay High Court The Bombay High Court recently granted bail to a 20-year-old who was booked for abetment of suicide of his minor girlfriend a

National Highway Authority is the best judge to decide which land would be suitable for the construction of the Highways: Allahabad High Court.
National Highway Authority is the best judge to decide which land would be suitable for the construction of the Highways: Allahabad High Court.
September 12, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The Allahabad High court observed that National Highway Authority is the best judge to decide which land would be suitable for the construction of

Record of Rights against Direction of Revisional Authority can’t be modified by Tehsildar: Orissa High Court
Record of Rights against Direction of Revisional Authority can’t be modified by Tehsildar: Orissa High Court
September 12, 2022by Primelegal Team0

Orissa High Court stated that Tahasildar Can’t Modify Record Of Rights Against Direction Of Revisional Authority. This was seen in the case o