Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
The subsequent purchaser of a property is not liable to pay the dues owed to the Electricity Board by a previous owner: Kerala High Court
October 19, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The Kerala High Court noted on Friday that even while the following owner of a property is not responsible for paying the Electricity Board’s

The Officer in Charge of Police Stations who fail to file FIRs regarding telecom company cybercrime complaints will be held in contempt of Court: Patna High Court
The Officer in Charge of Police Stations who fail to file FIRs regarding telecom company cybercrime complaints will be held in contempt of Court: Patna High Court
October 19, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The Patna High Court has clarified that the Officer-in-Charge of the Police Stations who are not registering FIRs on the complaint of the Telecom C

“Body Cremated Without Parents, Arrest”: In the Honor Killing Case, the Patna High Court orders an inquiry into the “flimsy investigation.”
“Body Cremated Without Parents, Arrest”: In the Honor Killing Case, the Patna High Court orders an inquiry into the “flimsy investigation.”
October 19, 2022by Primelegal Team0

In today’s Umesh Kumar v. The State of Bihar (5 September2019) case, the Patna High Court directed the Additional Director General of Police

Respondent instructed to treat the petitioner as belonging to a third gender by placing her in a special category: Madras High Court
Respondent instructed to treat the petitioner as belonging to a third gender by placing her in a special category: Madras High Court
October 19, 2022by Primelegal Team0

Respondent instructed to treat the petitioner as belonging to a third gender by placing her in a special category by the Madras High Court in the c

Petitioners’ claim that they are not directly involved in the production of the drug despite the fact that choosing to produce the drugs was an outcome of their decision rejected: Madras High Court
Petitioners’ claim that they are not directly involved in the production of the drug despite the fact that choosing to produce the drugs was an outcome of their decision rejected: Madras High Court
October 19, 2022by Primelegal Team0

Petitioners’ claim that they are not directly involved in the production of the drug despite the fact that choosing to produce the drugs was

Exemption of Online Marketplaces from Liability Flipkart Receives Relief Under Section 79 of the Information Technology Act: Allahabad High Court
Exemption of Online Marketplaces from Liability Flipkart Receives Relief Under Section 79 of the Information Technology Act: Allahabad High Court
October 18, 2022by Primelegal Team0

In the case of Flipkart Internet Private Limited v. State Of U.P. And 3 Others (CRIMINAL MISC. WRIT PETITION No.-3487 of 2019], the Allahabad High

Pre-Arrest Bail Is Given To Rape Accused Until Investigation Is Completed As He Marries Victim: Allahabad High Court
Pre-Arrest Bail Is Given To Rape Accused Until Investigation Is Completed As He Marries Victim: Allahabad High Court
October 18, 2022by Primelegal Team0

In the case of, Amarjeet v. State Of U.P. Thru. Addl. Chief Secy. /Prin. Secy. Home, Lko. Lko. And 4 Others [CRIMINAL MISC ANTICIPATORY BAIL APPLIC

Federation Of Karnataka Chambers Of Commerce & Industry Is Not ‘State’ Under Article 12: High Court
Federation Of Karnataka Chambers Of Commerce & Industry Is Not ‘State’ Under Article 12: High Court
October 18, 2022by Primelegal Team0

It has been decided by the High Court of Karnataka that the Federation of Karnataka Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FKCCI) is a private body and

DNA Test Report Favouring Accused In Rape Case Not Gospel Truth, Cross-Examination Of Doctor Necessary: Karnataka High Court
DNA Test Report Favouring Accused In Rape Case Not Gospel Truth, Cross-Examination Of Doctor Necessary: Karnataka High Court
October 18, 2022by Primelegal Team0

According to the Karnataka High Court, the DNA report exonerating the offender in a rape case is not conclusive evidence. A single judge bench of J

In four weeks, a probe report on the Gaighat shelter home case: Bihar’s government to Patna High Court
October 18, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The Bihar government informed the Patna High Court on Thursday that the four-week investigation into the alleged scandal at the Gaighat shelter hom