Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
Court issues bailable warrant against UP Principal Secretary for not complying with a court order: Allahabad High Court
Court issues bailable warrant against UP Principal Secretary for not complying with a court order: Allahabad High Court
January 9, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Case title –Suresh Chand Rajvanshi vs. Shri Sanjay Prasad, Principal Secretary Home And Another [CONTEMPT APPLICATION (CIVIL) No. – 661

Alimony is payable to a divorced Muslim woman until she remarries: Allahabad High Court
Alimony is payable to a divorced Muslim woman until she remarries: Allahabad High Court
January 9, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Case title –Zahid Khatoon v. Nurul Haque Khan [FIRST APPEAL No. – 787 of 2022]   In a landmark decision, the Allahabad High Court rule

It would amount to violation of principle of Natural Justice if a tender authority passes an order upon which it did not seek to issue show cause notice: Karnataka High Court
It would amount to violation of principle of Natural Justice if a tender authority passes an order upon which it did not seek to issue show cause notice: Karnataka High Court
January 9, 2023by Primelegal Team0

The Karnataka High Court under Justice M. Nagaprasanna passed a judgement on 14-12-2022 in THE CAP A PIE v. The South Western Railways(Writ Petitio

If there is a stoppage in business, it doesn’t affect the rights in trademark: Karnataka High Court
If there is a stoppage in business, it doesn’t affect the rights in trademark: Karnataka High Court
January 9, 2023by Primelegal Team0

The Karnataka HC has said under Justice S R Krishna Kumar in The Official Liquidator of M/s Ideal (India) Limited (In Liquidation) v. Registrar of

Suo Moto contempt was proceeded against a witness for making false statement under oath in Gokulraj Murder case by Madras High Court
Suo Moto contempt was proceeded against a witness for making false statement under oath in Gokulraj Murder case by Madras High Court
January 9, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Madras High Court In this case Swathi was the star witness of the gokulraj murder case which was happened in 2015. Against Swathi Madras High Court

After doing 3 year Diploma/Polytechnic after class x are eligible for BALLB admission said by Madras High Court to The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University
After doing 3 year Diploma/Polytechnic after class x are eligible for BALLB admission said by Madras High Court to The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University
January 9, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Madras High Court In this case Madras High Court directed the Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University to permit the students who have 3 year diploma

Detaining authority may get inputs from sponsoring agencies/authorities for detaining any person but the responsibility to formulate grounds of detention exclusively rests with detaining authority.: Jammu Kashmir and Ladakh High Court
January 9, 2023by Primelegal Team0

The Jammu Kashmir and Ladakh High Court passed a judgement on the 21st of November, 2022 in which the court upheld the petition and quashed the det

It is settled law that there should not be supine indifference, slackness or callous attitude in considering the representation and any unexplained delay in disposal of a representation would be a breach of the Constitutional imperative and it would render the continued detention impermissible and illegal: Jammu Kashmir and Ladakh High Court
January 9, 2023by Primelegal Team0

The Jammu Kashmir and Ladakh High Court passed a judgement on the 30th of December, 2022 in which the court upheld the petition and quashed the det

Court directs State to abide by the guidelines framed by the Centre for Vaccination of the Transgenders: Rajasthan High Court
Court directs State to abide by the guidelines framed by the Centre for Vaccination of the Transgenders: Rajasthan High Court
January 9, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Court directs State to abide by the guidelines framed by the Centre for Vaccination of the Transgenders: Rajasthan High Court The Division Bench of

According to Law of Precedence, judgement passed by Coordinate Bench binding, whereas judgement of other High Court has persuasive value; transfer order once executed cannot be cancelled, altered or modified: Rajasthan High Court
According to Law of Precedence, judgement passed by Coordinate Bench binding, whereas judgement of other High Court has persuasive value; transfer order once executed cannot be cancelled, altered or modified: Rajasthan High Court
January 9, 2023by Primelegal Team0

According to Law of Precedence, judgement passed by Coordinate Bench binding, whereas judgement of other High Court has persuasive value; transfer