Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
Decoding Section 306 IPC: Karnataka High Court Emphasizes the Importance of Positive Act of Instigation in Suicides
Decoding Section 306 IPC: Karnataka High Court Emphasizes the Importance of Positive Act of Instigation in Suicides
June 26, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Karnataka High Court V V Singara Velu & ANR V. State of Karnataka & ANR CRIMINAL PETITION No.3095 OF 2022 Bench-  HON’BLE MR. JUSTIC

An Evaluation Order Must Be Directed Towards Only One of The Deceased Assessee’s Legal Heirs: The high court in Delhi dismisses an Rs. 10 crores demand.
An Evaluation Order Must Be Directed Towards Only One of The Deceased Assessee’s Legal Heirs: The high court in Delhi dismisses an Rs. 10 crores demand.
June 26, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Case Title: Darpan Kohli Versus Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax Case No.: W.P.(C) 7904/2023 & CM APPLS. 30514/2023 & 30515/2023 Date:

The Delhi High Court has issued a notice to NCERT in response to a petition opposing a tender that invited bids from only appointed firms.
The Delhi High Court has issued a notice to NCERT in response to a petition opposing a tender that invited bids from only appointed firms.
June 26, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Case Title:Samit Khanna v. UOI & Ors. Introduction The High Court of Delhi has given notice to NCERT and the federal government in response to

Child Trafficking and laws in India
Child Trafficking and laws in India
June 25, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Introduction: Child trafficking is the practise of enrolling, harbouring, transporting, transferring, or receiving a child for the purpose of explo

Decoding the Applicability of the Law of Limitation to the Domestic Violence Act: Unveiling Legal Perspectives
Decoding the Applicability of the Law of Limitation to the Domestic Violence Act: Unveiling Legal Perspectives
June 25, 2023by Primelegal Team0

INTRODUCTION The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2002 (referred to as “the Act”) was enacted in 2002 to address the wid

Marriage and Live-In Relationship in India:  A Socio-Legal study
Marriage and Live-In Relationship in India: A Socio-Legal study
June 24, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Introduction  “Living with the partner has no defined meaning or scope. The phrase “live-in relationship” refers to a living situati

Karnataka High Court: SHO Empowered to Seek Magistrate’s Permission Under Section 155(2) CrPC for Investigation of Non-Cognizable Offenses
Karnataka High Court: SHO Empowered to Seek Magistrate’s Permission Under Section 155(2) CrPC for Investigation of Non-Cognizable Offenses
June 23, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Karnataka High Court Vijesh Pillai v. State of Karnataka & ANR WRIT PETITION No.11186 OF 2023 Bench-  HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE M. NAGAPRASANN

Karnataka High Court Rules: Married Woman Cannot Allege Cheating by Man for Breach of Promise of Marriage
Karnataka High Court Rules: Married Woman Cannot Allege Cheating by Man for Breach of Promise of Marriage
June 23, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Karnataka High Court Prajith R v. XXX & ANR CRIMINAL PETITION No.544 OF 2021 Bench-  HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE M. NAGAPRASANNA Decided On 16-0

Medically terminate the pregnancy of  14 years girl Orders Madras High Court.
Medically terminate the pregnancy of 14 years girl Orders Madras High Court.
June 23, 2023by Primelegal Team0

P.Jayalakshmi … Petitioner                           Vs. Government Medical College Hospital Gandhi Road, Krishnag

Madras High Court Says Certiorari writ should not intervene in lower court rulings unless a distinct legal error is evident.
Madras High Court Says Certiorari writ should not intervene in lower court rulings unless a distinct legal error is evident.
June 23, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Chairman-cum-Managing Director, Assistant Manager – Administration,   and Manager of Hotel Tamil Nadu